Here are the sections of the article that concern me:
Townsend said Mauer met Sananda through a yoga class and that Sananda encouraged her to join the Living Spirit Foundation.
Mauer's mother later died, and Mauer inherited an undisclosed sum of money. She left California with Stoycoff and Sananda on the day of her mother's funeral, which she did not attend, Townsend said.
Not attending your mother's funeral, but taking her money? Maybe there's something not being said here, but that doesn't seem right.
In a message posted on the Living Spirit Foundation's Internet discussion board April 7, Stoycoff wrote that Mauer was a critical part of the "ascension process" and that she suffered in this "mission." The discussion board has since been removed from the Web site.
Stoycoff described Mauer as the "gatekeeper" who "held the energy at the 'gates of hell' at bay so Christ could form the new Earth through His body." He also described the isolation of her last weeks of life.
"In the last month, it had become necessary for her to isolate herself from virtually everyone. This was a knowing that she had and, it seems I may have been the one exception. I visited with her about three weeks ago. That was the last time I saw her," he wrote.
"Because of her isolation, when the time came and her mission was complete, she drove to a public place last Friday morning (April 1), laid down and, with the assistance of a bevy of angels, went home to be with her True Love in the peace she so richly deserves. In the midst of my selfish sorrow of my missing her, I am overjoyed at her current circumstance."
Oh man, this is sick stuff! SICK! I cannot imagine any spiritual director telling someone they were holding the gates of hell at bay so Christ could build a new earth. Talk about pressure! And what is this necessity to isolate from everyone? What mission was she completing?
Then there's what Mauer's friend (Sullivan) said:
Sullivan said Mauer was always very excited when she spoke about Sananda. But Mauer told Sullivan that she believed she had "denser energies" surrounding herself and that it wasn't good for her to be physically near Sananda because of these dark energies, Sullivan said.
Good thing Jesus didn't feel that way about mixing it up with sinners.
"By the end of November, she was saying regularly, 'I'm in a dark night of the spirits,' " Sullivan said.
Sullivan said Mauer seemed all of sudden to cut everyone who knew her out of her life except the Stoycoffs. She said she last saw Mauer in January.
"She came up to my door to return a book, and I opened the door. She looked terrified and started backing away. I asked her to come in, but she ran backwards up the street like she was terrified of me.
Who knows what really happened to Mauer? We don't know, for example, whether she had some kind of pre-existing conditions that led up to what seems a nervous breakdown, or if this is simply another garden-variety example of the kind of loss of self that happens in cults. Being told by your spiritual leader that you have dense energies . . . stay away . . . and it's your job to keep the gates of hell at bay for Jesus' sake . . . You won't find this kind of stuff in the Christian mystical literature.
Of course, we have only this article to go on, and it would be good to hear LSF's side of the issue, which could be quite different. You won't find mention of it on their site, however, and with their discussion board now removed, it's impossible to evaluate some of the exchanges that went on there.
So, in the meantime, without clarification from them, and because of concerns I have about their theological and spiritual approach, I strongly discourage anyone from making use of their materials and guidance.