I recommend to everyone who wishes to enter this incredible site about Meditation, philosophy, enlightenment and wisdom. This site has given me so much, I hope it will give you too. www.har-tzion.com
regarding the above I wanted to tell about this Spiritual Master I met him last Saturday night. A friend took me to his meditation session in Great Neck, New york, when we arrived there was much excitement in the air. He was there. Just as he came in he started walking between the people, he made a kind of waving movement with his hand, and people fall down in a kind of faint or unconscious state� This was very impressing. My friend, who felt had the experience from the Master, said he feels energy running all over his body, and a feeling of spiritual happiness. I really don�t know what exactly that thing he gives to people is; he said it�s called Shakti-Pad, transmission of the experience of enlightenment. Does anybody know something about this? The Master has a nice website, so if anybody wants to know more about him this is the address: www.har-tzion.com
Just as he came in he started walking between the people, he made a kind of waving movement with his hand, and people fall down in a kind of faint or unconscious state� This was very impressing. My friend, who felt had the experience from the Master, said he feels energy running all over his body, and a feeling of spiritual happiness. I really don�t know what exactly that thing he gives to people is; he said it�s called Shakti-Pad, transmission of the experience of enlightenment. Does anybody know something about this?
Telya, welcome to the forum. Please don't cross-post the same information on different threads, however. We're a rather small group here and will come across the info you post, eventually.
What you've shared is a good description of [URL= http://www.llewellynjournal.co...58/]shaktipat[/URL]; it certainly sounds like this man is a shakti master. In reading some of the exchanges on his web site, it also seemed to me that he promotes a mystical spirituality that is respectful of Christianity.
I'd be interested in hearing more of your experiences with this teacher and the community, so please keep us posted.