In the bible there are like 23 verses covering the topic death to self. My understanding is the core purpose for K Awakening is ego death. I struggle really hard with putting myself in check. I really don't like who I am. The core of who I am (ego) is evil. I have continually prayed for God to completely change me into something new. Could K Awakening be my answer to my prayer………being truly born again?
Kundalini process can indeed help to heal the roots of selfishness and purify the unconscious so that the Ego is not so moved toward self-seeking behavior. It takes prayer and other practices like service to transform the Ego so it becomes the instrument of the Spirit, however. Kundalini is only one small piece of the puzzle.
I have written extensively on this topic and recommend my book God and I to you. The first three chapters are free, and set the stage for a perspective on God, Self and Ego. -
The ego was created by God. It has a purpose. I don’t think we can kill it. The ego has many positive contributions to your normal day to day. It makes you try hard in any endeavor so that you succeed and not fail. But like you said Phil, we can make it supportive of our work for God. And I don’t think it requires a lot of extra energy or meditative work for that to happen. Certainly of course your mystical experiences such as fasting, kundalini, Holy Spirit, meditation, psychedelics, etc can reveal the distinctness and otherness of an ego. However the ego can be transformed through normal “boring” prayer, service and Christian living and staying humble and attentive to the still small voice.
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