The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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I have been experiencing a pressure, burning sensation in my head. I told the chiropractor about this and she recommended I get what is called cranial balancing (not the same as cranial sacral therapy). I have had the pressure for a couple of weeks now. I did have a couple of episodes in the past, but it would go away. This time it is there more often than not.. comes and goes. Phil, I remembered today, that you wrote about your "dagger" and your "crab pressure" in your K. story. So I got it out and re read it and much of it sounds like what I am experiencing. I don't know for sure if this is K related. I have had anxiety/depression most of my life. However I am on anti-depressants and I have felt very good and not depressed for the past year. This is why I don't think it is the usual feelings of depression. It is more of a physical sensation than emotional depression. The chiropractor does know about my past K activity, but still she suggested the cranio balancing, so I guess I will be o.k., and hopefully be relieved of the pressure/burning. So that you understand this therapy a little better here is a description of it: Cranial balancing is a gentle hands-on therapy that detects and decompresses the skull bones which may have been compressed as a result of a blow to the head of any kind, including infant delivery with forceps. All the cranial bones are moveable, and when they are out of balance, this affects the membranes in the head and spinal column, also, which causes many mental/physical symptoms and disorders. Any one else hear of this therapy, and does anyone else experience this pressure in the head? And do you have any suggestions on how I can deal with this until I get the therapy? I did try to take a walk and be in nature this morning, but I felt too weak, partly from the heat. I am trying to eat "right", and I have cut down on my breathing exercises. I do think I need to do some yoga stretches, but then that seems to stir up toxins in my body which causes me other problems. Maybe just some mild stretchs. Thanks for any suggestions, and for any support you can give me. I get kinda scared sometimes. Katy | |||
Hi Katy: I posted on the thread, "Kundalini & chiropractor" before I saw this new thread. I've had the pressure in my head for a long time; I would say at least a couple of years. It's intensity varies though. Lately, it's been very strong again. It increases during prayer and meditation. It does seem the greatest pressure is more in my forehead and behind the eyes now. I truly understand getting scared sometimes. It's taken me some time, but I've come to accept that there is always some kind of weird movement or pressure going on somewhere in my body. ![]() I look forward to hearing if this cranial balancing helps. Blessings to you, Tate | ||||
Asher, I am having a hard time finding information on the web about it, but I will give a couple of the Links that I found. Again, it is specifically called "Cranial Balancing". There are other kinds of cranial therapy out there too. I appreciate all the info. you gave me, and your input, but I have been having a terrible time concentrating. I went to the grocery store today, and got real anxious and couldn't think and concentrate on what to get. It IS quite overwhelming these days for anyone, don't you think! All the choices! I normally enjoy grocery shopping, but this time I just couldn't concentrate and wanted to get out of there. What I was going to say is I want to comment on your post, but feel too anxious and unable to concentrate right now. Thanks for your reply. I shall re read it later. Here are the Links: Hope they work. Katy | ||||
One of my spiritual directees, who is a massage therapist, does cranial massage and claims that it can have a profound effect in facilitating balance. Apparently, the cranial plates, which are fitted together like a puzzle, with adhesive substance between them, can be gently massaged to allow them to adjust to a better fit with other plates. This, in turn, allows the brain to find a better "fit" in the skull, which must obviously have many advantages. I've never had it done to me, so I can't personally vouch for its effectiveness. I have all sorts of pressures in my head daily -- some of which move along, others which sometimes hang around for several days. Meditation can help to "blow things out," as it were, but sometimes it only seems to intensify the pressure, particularly when there's a serious "block" of some kind. It's nothing of the sort that I described in my book as a "crab" or "dagger," but it's noticeable enough, and sometimes even painful. I've just learned to accept this as part and parcel of living with awakened kundalini process, and try to avoid doing what makes things worse. It might sound wierd to say, but after awhile, one kind of gets used to this. ![]() | ||||
Thanks Phil, and if this is the case with me.. it being K related, I do think I need to learn acceptance instead of worrying about it and fighting it, which only makes it worse. Yes, the description you gave that you got from the massage therapist is what I understand it (the therapy) to be. The bones fit together like a puzzle which can get asymmetrical. This can cause the membranes and other surrounding tissues, incl. the brain, to become squished, and out of whack (in my layman's terms!) I do think I have some kind of an energy blockage, too. Just my intuition. Thanks for your reply. Katy | ||||
I feel like my head is pumped like a balloon after excercising. It feels strange. I mostly feel like I feel my head more than my body, and like my head is under pressure. Also, after I was swimming, I tried to float, but only my head was floating and the rest of my body sank. Can anybody explain to me as simple as you can as I'm little hipohondric, and is it dangerous? I have to exercise, especially when I'n stressed like now so that the tinnitus doesn't come back again, so I'm in a hurry. Thank you! | ||||
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dzordze, does the pressure diminish after the exercising? Hard to say if it's dangerous. Are you able to think well, orient yourself physically, keep your balance OK? It might be just a temporary situation of unbalanced chi. | |||
Thanks. Yes, just when I exerise. Usually I feel like There's some energy in me that needs to get out. If I relax and let it do it's thing, it would shake my body well, to me feels like that. And am afraid to let it shake me, and don't want to know a lot about it, I feel fearfull then for days. I'm reminding you please not to explain to me what happens, just a sugestion to do, or if you have a similar experience to share. Also, you're the only one that I told this too...don't know where to find anyone else with whom I can speak | ||||
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