The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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As was said on a previous thread, the energy is "whupping up" on me. Certain people said that would happen this month. Astrologers. I've never paid much attention before, but during an internet search on the throat chakra, I stumbled across some "Ascension" sites with lots of information on the very unusual, and supposedly powerful, heavenly phenomena this month. Number one is what they call the Grand Cardinal Cross, four planets forming a cross in four cardinal signs, ushered in by the new moon on March 31, and reaching a peak on Easter Day. This, supposedly, heralds great upheaval, change, transformation, huge fluctuations of energy, all of which seem to be hitting me according to plan. So is there anything in this? Number two was a lunar eclipse/blood moon on the 15th April, supposedly bringing buried issues to the surface. Again, on Tuesday morning I was hit full whammy by a buried relationship issue, which rocked my world just a little, and the energy since then has been off the scale. There's also a solar eclipse at the end of the month, again big news, big moves, and great things are predicted for Resurrection Sunday with the Cardinal Cross peaking. Some of these guys are saying something huge will go down in America not long after that. We'll see. Now I don't know. I'm holding the cards loosely. All I do know is that I have never felt the energy like this before. I'm simultaneously exhausted and buzzing like a bee on amphetamines. And lots of transformational issues are arising and being dealt with, just as the astrologers said they would. I'm also reclaiming a lot of "power in love", becoming more who I'm meant to be...I think. Maybe becoming, at last, a true son of the Father? It does feel like a turning point, a crux. Is that the same for everyone with k? Hard to tell. But the phenomenon of k working with astrological events is intriguing, and I'm kind of gob smacked, fried, frazzled, mangled and very excited by all that's going on. Stumbling across those sites did feel serendipitous, and I did have a number of dreams about heavenly bodies just prior to finding them. Onward to Easter then, and resurrection, however that plays out. | |||
[quote]All I do know is that I have never felt the energy like this before. I'm simultaneously exhausted and buzzing like a bee on amphetamines. And lots of transformational issues are arising and being dealt wit[/quote same.. i was telling Matthew today that I've had so much energy in my head i have had to literally lay down and be completely is like i have ants underneath my skull and in my forehead. i have never felt the energy like this before... more importantly there is something going on deep within that is really difficult to is like my whole way of seeing is shifting.. and it is not anything i am initiating in any intentional way....i am either wired and cannot sleep or so tired i can hardly get around.. the tendency is to sit.. in silence. not bad in a nice blissful state .. but much less desire to think or talk much. | ||||
It's Spring in the Northern hemisphere and that which moves nature moves you too. Which is not a call to return to paganism. ![]() | ||||
I felt a nice improvement in the way I feel and also control the energy. Is it astrological? I don't know. It feels a bit like mini break-through but I have those at least once or twice a year. I do, however, keep an eye on my personal transits for almost 20 years and I can say with certainty that I ALWAYS feel a clear impact of a pluto transits. (They last for about 2 years and transform the area of your life they transit). Tara - find more help for kundalini problems on my website | ||||
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I've never paid much attention to astrology, as I consider whatever influences the moon, stars and planets have on our consciousness to be minimal. The MSG I unknowingly consumed in a piece of sausage yesterday caused way more turmoil for me than anything I can attribute to the lunar eclipses. This is not to say that I consider astrology to be completely bogus. It seems to be something of an archetypal mythology, but of what value, I'm not sure. A couple of my spiritual directees place great store in astrological forecasts while acknowledging the primacy of grace in spiritual formation. At worst, it would seem that astrology could become yet another means for preoccupation over self-fixing behavior. | |||
Well, yes, exactly, that's it! I can hardly describe some of the stuff that's happening to me at the moment, so I'm not going to try. Astrology may be something like the universe's feng shui. Not something I allow to impact my free will, but, if I move with the flow - oooeee! | ||||
Again, last night lying in bed, at the time the Grand Cross reached exactitude, I was put through the ringer by a load of submerged stuff coming to the surface. As if loosened and about to open my throat chakra. Aware of so much visually yet not quite able to grasp. Just letting it come and feeling so much emotional pain, intense jerking, twisting, squeezing. I felt it building on the Tuesday. Have been exhausted since then. Through this a sense of benevolent presence, angelic, that old twin flame...just trusting this process and believing in incredible things. Now I'm done in, but feeling ok. Hopeful. Strong sense this is going somewhere. Some kind of alchemical transformation. Point is though...again with the astrological phenomenon. It's shedding new light on my whole k journey. | ||||
Today i found something interesting while reading in the book of Sr Anna Katherina Emmerich : "The life of Jesus" ( a book where Sr Emmerich tells about her visions of the life of Jesus in detail, around 1825 ) It is somewhere in the beginning of the book, maybe on page 12 or so, before He was babtised. Jesus is talking there in a synagoge about several things, among otheres about the stars. He said, that the stars have an influence on the life . But in an NDE, that Shasha posted here a year ago, Jesus said, that his Passion and deliverance frees a persons live from the influence of the stars ! This fits with what i have learned in my "Hindu" times : For a normal person the stars have an influence on their lifes, but once you decide to become spiritual, God is the one who is changing your fate and is managing your life. ---------------- Another thing i read there: Jesus gives a hint on kundalini !!!! (of coarse he doesnt name it like that !) He teaches a physician about the "spiritual body" and the connection that this body has with the physical body ! ------------------- Sr Emmerich was beatified on October 3, 2004 by Pope John Paul II. | ||||
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Interesting, Bliss. Thanks for sharing. Stephen, have you tried "just-looking" without reflecting or thinking about anything in particular? Throat chakra stuff is usually about communication and conceptualization. 3rd eye is non-reflecting presence, and this is one of the centers that I do experience tangibly. If there's nothing urgent to sort out or reflect upon among the mental/emotional material in your awareness, you can sometimes just gently place it in a "box" and set it aside until later (or never). Then get up and take a walk. Just-look, be present, and let your seeing come from the center of your forehead -- as though you have an invisible eye there which participate with your eyeballs. It's an intuitive kind of seeing that innervates the frontal lobes, and perhaps the pineal, but very real. You can feel that area energizing and "opening." After you learn how this works, you come to see how you can just let go of throatish energy/reflectivity and simply abide in intuitive, nonreflecting consciousness. The mind grows silent, though you can think if you need to, of course. Give it a try. | |||
Most of the time I'm there, Phil. Lots of non reflecting peace. Then it seems there are spells when my whole system is charged. Recently, ie last week and especially Sunday night, that involved a vice grip on the throat, relieved by waves of emotion like you wouldn't believe which I just go with. Lots of icky burning up each side of my torso, and then last night energy entering my eyes, making me feel like they were turning to steam. I've checked out astrological configurations when I've gone through this before and recently noticed other strange alignments coinciding with these spells. Most of the time I'm more interested in God than planets, but it is curious. I also notice too that I emerge from these spells totally renewed, with a new way of seeing, being, more power, compassion and more connection, more connectivity, purpose, influence, less old me...greater tuning to higher realms, healing, teaching gifts nascent. I'm ok. Just incredibly weary during these episodes, like now. I'm also very hopeful. I feel as if I take it all out at shalomplace. Sorry about that. My family help too, bless 'em. I also notice that chatting, communicating, relieves the pressure, even if I am talking rubbish most of the time. I kind of need to be trivial, nostalgic, frivolous during these times. Humour helps. | ||||
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Glad to hear you've come out in a good place, Stephen. I, too, have occasional energy ordeals that seem unexplainable, but I generally just ride them out.
Lots of people have headaches or arthritic flare-ups when the barometric pressure changes. There's also Seasonal Affective Disorder. So we know that natural forces affect our energy systems, but it seems that planetary configurations would be much more subtle. I guess the danger would be that one could become quite preoccupied with the astrological system, in such manner that it actually becomes a formative influence, though more from mental expectations and ideas than cosmological forces. | |||
Phil the way I understand astrology is not that the stars directly affect us but that the star constellations are a kind of writing in which we can read our karmic tendencies - just like you can 'read' in the structure of a seed what the whole plant is likely to look. This idea is based on the understanding that everything is mirrored in everything (I think it is in the avatamsika sutra if I am not mistaken) Another question, Phil: my kundalini book is nearly ready. Do you mind that I introduce it here? (I tried to pm you twice about this but it never arrives ??) Tara - find more help for kundalini problems on my website | ||||
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Sure, Tara, go ahead and introduce your book in the Book or Movie Reviews or Kundalini forum. That's fine. I don't really understand astrology, so it doesn't make much sense to me that star constellations say anything about one's karma. Seems we all see the same constellations pretty much the same way, so I don't understand why this would say something different to each individual. - - - Years ago, the Louisiana Dept. of Education had a continuing ed day for state workers, and I was a presenter on substance abuse prevention. As it turned out, had a period in the day when I was off-duty, so I attended a breakout session on astrology, surprised that the state was offering such a topic to teachers. (I learned later that the presenter was a friend of our bureau chief. . . ) It was complicated: all sorts of charts and rules for charting. The premise was that astrology could help teachers understand their students better, and maybe even their learning styles and other info. The teachers attending were skeptical, as was I. A few examples were given, but the info was of such a general nature as to be practically useless. One gentleman asked about the basis for believing in the credibility of astrology, and wondered whether it had been tested scientifically. The presenter became very defensive, stating that there was still much that science couldn't explain, and that to really understand astrology, one had to let go of all rational thinking and allow oneself to simply enter into the system . . . to trust . . . to be open-minded. I decided it wasn't for me. I do have a friend who swears by it, but even he says that astrological influence is of such a general and subtle nature that it's difficult to read clearly and is certainly nothing one can use to make predictions. | |||
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