The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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How can I raise my Kundalini? What are the best techniques for raising Kundalini? What are the various different approaches or Kundalini Awakening systems? Which do you think it the most efficient? For those who have done it,how did you do it? How long did it take for you? How important is meditation considering Kundalini? | |||
How can I raise my Kundalini? In deep worship of God , with all of your heart, without any other intent than asking God to strengthen this love , in surrender and obedience. pray for pure aspiration and devotion. What are the best techniques for raising Kundalini? if you are looking at ' technique' to raise the kundalini, i would ask, what is your motive in raising it? If it is anything other than to love and serve God , then i would say you are coming from a place not aligned with the will of God.. it is raised by grace.. not by anything you 'do'. What are the various different approaches or Kundalini Awakening systems? none.................... Which do you think it the most efficient? .......... prayer. For those who have done it ,how did you do it? I knew nothing about kundalini when it was ignited.. i was praying..this prayer was not casual, it was grace itself that brought me to that place in prayer.. all of it grace. How long did it take for you? it didn't take me any time at all, s i did nothing. it happened spontaneously, without effort on my part. God opened my heart. ... anything less in my opinion would be wrong use of the life force as it is meant as a vehicle to deepen ones union with God.. not as a toy for self adulation and a false sense of power.. much like the magicians back in the time of Moses.. their little snakes could perform magic and appeared to have power.., in short, k without the working of the Holy Spirit is glitter without substance. Kundalini is powerful.. nothing to be played with.. if i were you, i would look deeply at my motives, as what you have stated here does imply surrender to God.. kundalini and self will are like oil and water where kundalini is concerned.. and you would be playing with fire with this combination. How important is meditation considering Kundalini? meditation comes without effort if one is focused within prayer.. YOU don't do it.. it is grace that propels one from prayer to a silence that is centered deep within ones heart. this silence takes you into meditation kundalini raised without sincere aspiration to love God is like driving a racing car without brakes , blind folded.. complete and utter foolishness that could cause you years of suffering... be wise ..pray, leave the rest to the Holy Spirit.. any self doing is folly and leads one on a perilous path.....if K is meant to open it will be opened.. thru grace.. guided by the Holy Spirit, not your will. | ||||
Hello faustina ![]() From my experience I can say that everyone calls their own way of awakening the Kundalini as more 'correct' than others.Honestly,I don't mean any offense ![]() Ok, how do I pray from the heart? There might be some things I should take care off.....mind and heart are seldom in my control ![]() But then,....Why do you think so many yoga practices are out there? Pranayama,asanas,mudra? Why do you think in ancient times 'sadhus' and 'sants' left everything and went to the jungle and away from 'normal' life? And thanks for the prompt reply ![]() | ||||
And what is the difference between Holy Spirit and Kundalini? I thought they were the same o.O | ||||
Hello, makar, there's a long discussion on the difference between k and HS on SP forum, you can try and read it, but for me it was too long ![]() You probably won't find here any clues about that. You can find very good stuff about how to live with k, if it's already active, and you're trying to live in sanctifying grace. But there are no techniques for living in grace, in union with God's will. For me personally, k energy and cosmic experience can't compare to mystical contemplation or to simple faith, hope and charity. But it can be tempting, because it's a powerful experience while faith requires a certain transcendence and indifference to experiences. | ||||
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hi makar... "From my experience I can say that everyone calls their own way of awakening the Kundalini as more 'correct' than others.Honestly,I don't mean any offense." no offense taken! i would say, for me there wasn't a 'my' way... i knew nothing about K.. it was grace, pure and simple. there was no attempting to awaken kundalini.Grace awakened it. praying from the heart is sincere ( as sincere as the ego can get) prayer.. a reaching out and an opening up to the will of God.. you are correct mind and heart are not in ones control..but aspiration is. and even that, if grace has not yet opened one to a longing for aspiration, one can make the decision to pray and ask for this grace. yoga practices are all well and good.. it is when one puts ones entire focus on the 'doing' and self will, with no acknowledgment or consideration for the will of God.. i see this as out of balance.... in error. we were not created to 'do our own thing'. yes, it is true many do... but i see this kind of thing, devoid of real meaning and real life. question.. why would anyone want to raise kundalini without deep spiritual aspiration? what i see is many people attempting to raise kundalini almost like a self betterment program or to obtain special powers ...they want enlightenment without any consideration for the will of God.. for me , that is pretty dismal as it misses the whole point of life. Yes, lots of people doing it... for me that is empty.. without fulfillment... and an affront to our Maker. " Why do you think in ancient times 'sadhus' and 'saints' left everything and went to the jungle and away from 'normal' life? i never said anything about living a normal life.. with kundalini life is anything but normal! i am one who , like the sadhus and saints live a pretty much 'out in the jungle' sort of lifestyle... i am called to it.. and to be honest with you, with K i pretty much have to live low key................... and that's ok.. much like the desert fathers before me, i seek the face of God.. in silence . i do not seek just to have an experience, to raise kundalini , or to become something different than what i love God with my whole being and to surrender ( die to self) and do/ be His will. this can only happen thru grace. i have found that i do nothing regarding this energy or to trying and get somewhere on the spiritual path.. all of this is guided by the Holy Spirit. i am called to be receptive in my response to what comes up as the fires of kundalini burn thru all the impurities.... this requires a serious self honesty and a fair amount of courage..... but doing something to raise the energy, no.. i am drawn to prayer and this has worked for me... prayer raises the energy, but i do not try to make the energy rise. i pray and am present with what is.. God takes care of the rest. His will is all that matters to me and anything less i see as falling short for the joy an peace that is promised and given. love christine | ||||
dear makir... here is a link on kundalini i found useful.. it says far better than i the need for grace in the rising of kundalini... also i would like to share with you my experience last night... why i see one intentionally rising K fool hardy. as i shared with you i live a pretty reclusive lifestyle.. i pray, putter around the house, gentle exercise , like swim and walk. yesterday i was asked by a friend to come and and help him deep clean his house. i did this. and spent way to may hours working . last night the k energy in my body went nuts as i had overworked .. it rose with a fury and i thought i was going to be completely swallowed alive in it. it began suddenly at the tailbone, an intense numbing sensation that moved down into my foot. at first i thought i had a pinched nerve from over working, that my body was just tired. wrong. i went to sleep and was awakened from the rising from hell.. the power moving up the spine was so strong at first i felt overwhelmed by it.. a numbing sensation in different parts of my body and head where i literally felt overtaken by K...i prayed and gave the whole thing to God.. but i thought about your wanting to raise K and wondered how you might respond to such an event.. i assure you my words do not do justice to the events last night at 2 am. your life changes with K... most people can go to work a 8 to 10 hr day without K and have a few stiff muscles at best.. i am finding that with K i need to monitor activity always. i am a slow learner. i still think i can get by living my life before k days. i am far from the only one.. Adyshanti, when he was a young strong healthy man in his 20's writes about how K had him bedridden for a year or so with strange symptoms.. he was an athlete at the time.. he got better after a year , went back out to do his athlete thing and was hit even harder by k... yes he finally did realize, and says it was worth it.... so what i am saying is be prepared to have your life change.. it will. sincerely christine | ||||
Makir.. here is another link that says it all.. i really really related to it.. the dark night and ones sense of being, or better yet..lack of being..... what i was attempting to describe ( so poorly ) in my last post to you... not that this is a bad thing kundalini.. but be as aware as you can before you invite this process into your life... here's the link............ http://www.spiritualemergence..../forms-egodeath.html blesings... | ||||
hey everyone thanks for your comments. I found all my answers in "Sahaja Yoga". Really I feel I'm so lucky and blessed. I used to be so confused about what to do, how to meditate, how to empower chakras, how to awaken kundalini, how to know God and what not. I'm so happy now, I can't tell you. There is so much peace, calmness, joy, bliss, WOW. Please dear everyone, visit sahaja I know you all are seekers of truth. Most importantly it is free of cost, because divine doesn't understand money, and we really can't pay for it. ![]() | ||||
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Hi Makar. I looked over the site you mentioned and it seems the guru has strong Christian roots. Is that your sense of things as well? | |||
Hey Phil Christian people used to say that our Guru is preaching Hinduism, while Hindu's used to say that She is preaching Christianity :P What are we to gain from talking over this? and discussing over this? nothing. There are so many scholars of hinduism, christianity, islam etc. Do you think they have reached God? Lets have an open-mind, like a scientist, no need to accept anything blindly, first experience then believe, and that experience of self-realization will be PROOF right? Sahaja yoga is practical. Self-Realization is our first encounter with reality. After self-realization we become our own guru, we start understanding what is wrong and what is right, nobody needs to tell us. We can know the state of our chakras/energy centers on our fingers and even of others. Here is the link, look for centers near you and ask any questions you have there. It is free, there are no conditions, no bindings nothing, practical, real ![]() Good luck! | ||||
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Sorry you don't have a more positive attitude about dialogue. I do consider intellectual understanding and conviction to be constituitive of integrated experience.
Not accepting anything blindly is wise; using experience as the basis of belief is not. "Blessed are they who believe without seeing." (John 20:29). Belief incorporates convictions about truth and is helpful unto discernment. I can believe a fire will burn me without putting my hand in it, or that a seance could open me to wicked influences without actually sitting in on one to see what happens afterwards. Sahaja yoga might be "practical," but there is nothing more practical than Christian spirituality. Also, I'm not interested in any system that makes of me my own guru and promises me sure knowledge of what is right and wrong by consulting only my own spirit. (see Gen. 3:5, and reflect . . . ) | |||
All, To me ..... Christ's counsel to "Call no man father" is essentially the same as counseling us that we call no man/woman our guru. Only God is our Father. Only the Holy Spirit must be our guru, "HE will guide you to all truth" JN 16:13 Pop-pop | ||||
Hi Makar: In self-realization as you understand it, a place of great sacrifice & surrender? | ||||
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