The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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Hi, I would appreciate anyone's feedback on what I've been experiencing this year if possible. Thanks in advance I know I'm posting this in the Kundalini section and I don't want to label it as that but it seems to be the most relevant discussion group. Back in January I had an experience in meditation in which I moved out of body and before me I perceived a glowing blue ball. As it moved closer to me it began to vibrate loudly. It entered my head between the third eye and crown. A moment later some kind of white geometric pattern exited the same area. Anyway, after this experience I started noticing tingling sensations in my crown. When I sat down to meditate the next day I experienced energy enter from the top of my head and my whole crown area went cold and began to feel a tightening pressure. It sank downwards then dissipated. Since then I've experienced a range of energy sensations in the head including, tickling, heating up, and tingling on the crown area, a sense of energy dripping down the sides of my head mainly around the temples, the odd headache which was not normal (it would be in one area of my head and as I focused on it to alleviate it the pain would move to another area). A few times I experienced an almost painful electrical feeling move down from my crown through my soft palette like a mini bolt of electricity. These sensations would occur through the day but would be more prominent in meditation when I would consciously move some energy around. When watching TV or doing the dishes I noticed it strongly as well. Soon after it occurred I also developed the worst breakout of acne I've ever had. I'm nearly 40 now so it's something I thought had gone. My skin on my forehead seems incredibly sensitive to foreign products. I can no longer use any hair products or moisturizer. I spent about a two month period actively ignoring the energy to see if it would go away but it is still there just more subtley in the background. I find I only need to think about it now to feel my crown tingling. The dripping sensations are far and few between now though. A few thoughts on the blue orb are that after doing some research I found out about what yogi Muktananda referred to as the seeing the 'blue pearl' which is a level of spiritual attainment which comes through heart centric meditation. A heart center meditation was what I was doing at the time and had been doing for about two years prior to it so that is an interesting parallel. I don't want to just assume it was a blue pearl experience. I personally don't think I'm that spiritually advanced but he relates the blue pearl to Kundalini!). I came on this forum because I resonate a lot with what Phil talks about in his energy symptoms in the head. Anyway, any thoughts? Thanks.This message has been edited. Last edited by: floriferous, | |||
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Welcome floriferous. I hope others with k experience will offer feedback. What you describe certainly sounds like it's in the array of experiences called kundalini -- though it's not always necessary to be precise about that. Regardless of how we label it, questions about coping remain. I do resonate with some of the head symptoms you describe, and even with the blue light, which for me was never externalized as you describe. It sounds like your strategy of backing off on meditation has had some positive effect -- except for the acne, which could be related to hormonal changes. Perhaps that's something you could check out with a physician. There are endocrine glands in the head area, and your meditation experience could have influenced their functioning. I'm not sure what "heart centric meditation" is, so perhaps you could say more about that, and any spiritual practices you are still doing. That might help us to understand your experience better. Peace, Phil | |||
Hi floriferous and welcome to this forum! So you have woken up the Crown Chakra, cool! The Kundalini energy when woken up and out and about can make one very sensitive to pain, energy movement, different parts of their bodies, heightened awareness, emotions, and all kinds of other things some pleasant and some unpleasant. About the acne, make sure that you are not touching your face with your hands like resting your head on your hands. This can cause an acne break out. Acne might not be a kundalini problem ![]() Blue ball of energy in front of your face? Humm? Placing thought in the area in front of your nose, eyebrows, and forehead to activate and energize that area is one the the ancient life longevity meditations especially if it is associated with heart (center of your chest and lower throat) meditations. And part of the reason for that is that placing thought into (waking up or energizing) that area and the heart center wakes (energizes) up all of the energy centers in your body. In your case the crown chakra got woken up and normally it is a bit asleep. And there are two main colors of energy that you can feel in front of the upper part of your face, one is blue or blue white and the other is golden white. If you had experienced golden white then you would have felt a warm glow all over your body. If you would like to experience that do your heart meditation and at the same time feel the area in front of the upper part of your forehead. The blue or blue white ball is the body spiritual and the golden white ball is the body physical. If you would like to see an example of a person that radiates energy from the area in front of the forehead look at a picture of the actress Denise Richards when she is smiling. She gives off that golden energy from that area in front of the forehead. Love, tucker | ||||
Phil, Thanks for your feedback. I suppose what makes me think it isn't Kundalini is that so far all it is is sensations. There is nothing else associated with it. There is no feeling of it clearing or cleansing. So far I don't perceive any benefits. Maybe this is just naive of me. Maybe it's in the initial stages - the heating up phasing as Jana Dixon refers to it. Currently it feels a little like symptoms without a result. I don't quite yet see what the sensations are leading to if anything. I got into heart centric meditation as a means to aid in manifestation. It simply involves focusing on gratitude, compassion, abundance, love, and grace in meditation and thinking of specific life examples to help the feelings. Also I would end with a healing for myself and someone else. I also do a lot of out of body work which is why it occurred quite easily during this one blue pearl experience. What intrigues me about your K awakening is that it seems, at least initially, that it started in your head which goes against the grain of a lot of the literature. For you did it also move to the lower chakras later? Tucker, Thanks for your comments. Yes I am being very careful about touching my face. I am just trying to send myself positive thoughts around it. To be fair the last two weeks has seen an improvement after six months of unpleasantness. All I know is it started immediately after the experience so I'm lumping them together. It could just be a coincidence but my intuition says otherwise Ancient longevity meditation. Interesting. Do you have any links to more on that? | ||||
Hi, floriferous, please be careful with meditation. There was an article in UK newspaper The Daily Mail a few years ago about a book titled The Buddha Pill: Can Meditation Change You?. Apparently 60% of people do have negative side-effects from meditation. Here is a link to the article: | ||||
Nope, no links. Just sixty years and thousands and thousands of hours of meditation. love, tucker | ||||
That was a good article Derek! People should understand that meditation can wake up and cause unexpected things ![]() Anyway Derek, good article! love, tucker | ||||
So Floriferous, what do you mean "as an aid to manifestation?" Are talking about physical manifestation and physical longevity? I have spent a lot of my time studying that as a mystic and a yogi. If that is what you mean? Love, tucker | ||||
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Good question, Tucker. And good article, Derek. Tucker's point that some forms of meditation ought to be practiced under the guidance of someone experienced in the discipline is well-taken. My own thought has been that what's most natural for us is to engage the divine using our "everyday consciousness," as the divine is certainly capable of meeting us there, and to let the Spirit draw us through love unto the deeper states of silence and rest. ___________ floriferous, you asked me: "What intrigues me about your K awakening is that it seems, at least initially, that it started in your head which goes against the grain of a lot of the literature. For you did it also move to the lower chakras later?" It is true that I did not experience a classical kundalini awakening a la Gopi Krishna and others, whereby things heat up at the base of the spine and move upwards systematically in a sitting or over time, to finally light up the brain/higher chakras. I don't know if you've read my book book, The Kundalini Process: A Christian Perspective, as I share something about that in the book, and include accounts from 12 people who had various manifestations. It seems there are many patterns, and there are many more misunderstandings about chakras and the like. What we call chakras are always functioning in some manner; with kundalini activation, they are more intensely stimulated to manifest deeper potentialities. They are also cleansed of impurities. This cleansing process might go on slowly and even imperceptibly for years before some kind of shift happens. That shift is usually concomitant to deepening prayer, though it's likely that the two go together. When, finally, the brain is becoming more stimulated, the process cannot help but be noticed, but even then, it's different for different people. In the book mentioned above (which came after 30 years of studying kundalini), I noted that not all energy experiences are kundalini -- including intense ones. Kundalini has an orientation to higher consciousness (the potentialities of the higher chakras) and is usually associated with some kind of contemplative practice. It is also rooted in sexual energy -- is basically the same thing, though more refined and transformed to accomplish other ends. It's rare to have a kundalini awakening without noticing some changes in sexual energy -- how depletion hurts the k process, how certain foods, breathing, etc. influence it, etc. When there's no inner, persistent "push" to higher consciousness, and no sense of anything out of the ordinary going on with sexual energy, there can still be significant energy struggles to deal with, but it might not be kundalini related, or perhaps it's an activation trying to happen -- hard to say. Any meditative process that intentionally splits awareness from thought will also change the energy dynamics in consciousness, and if one doesn't have some kind of guidance about this, it can be a mess for awhile. Thought is the formative bridge between awareness and psychic energy, and once we knock down the bridge, then energy will flow according to habitual patterns of attentiveness -- which, for most people, are seriously disordered. That's why a foundation of ongoing spiritual practice and moral living is so important, as the mystical traditions of the world religions make clear. I hope some of this is helpful. I go into it in much more depth in my book. Peace, Phil | |||
![]() This is waking up the Crown Chakra and a part of what you experience as an advanced yogi ![]() Love, tucker | ||||
Hi Floriferous, In symbolism, a ball is often a symbol of the higher self or Self. Some of the well-known variations are a golden egg, the full Moon, the Sun, a crystal ball and others. Color blue is related to inner world, or introversion, as opposed to color red, which is related to the external. So my interpretation of the event would be that the Self is trying to be integrated in your person. The ball went into the particular area because those two chakras are related to spiritual growth. The entity leaving might be the rational function, as the color white or light are often related to knowledge and rationality (The Age of Enlightenment for example). If the geometrical object leaving had angles like in a square or triangle or similar, that would be a clue, as straight lines and angles like these symbolize rationality, as opposed to curves, circles etc. Some clues or associations about the object leaving would help in interpreting it. Perhaps the meaning is that you should diminish rational function, and develop some other functions, which is a well know idea in philosophy, religion and psychology. Good luck! ![]() | ||||
Thanks for you concern. I have been meditating a long while now so I am very careful especially with exploring the out of body state.
Yeah, I mean as an aid to bringing in physical abundance into my life whether it be financial, health, love, etc... And so I focus on the energies of love, compassion, gratitude, grounding to help the process. What has been your approach to this?
Interesting. Thanks. I have not read your newest book on Kundalini (although I might invest now). What would you say was the chief factor(s) that made you energy suddenly become noticeable back in the 80's? As an outside observer, from reading some of your material and watching some videos of you, you appear very even keel in nature. How much of an impact do you think this had on your experience of the energies?
Yes, I have read something to that effect...."blue orb of energy is your consciousness in physical manifestation or basically seeing your soul in physical form." All I can say about the white object leaving me was it looked flat in nature with curved and angular patterns on its surface. It almost felt like a piece of a bigger whole. The idea of diminishing rational function is something I have been working on the last year. I am learning to let go and be led by the divine within knowing that I am being led to my higher purpose. | ||||
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floriferous, I go into some detail about all that in my first book on kundalini (both titles linked to at the top of this page). It was mostly a combination of increased stress and deepening prayer -- especially contemplative rest. Still, it was a "rough ride," though not so much emotionally, so perhaps that's where the "even keel" part comes from. - Btw, very good to see the responses and interaction in this discussion! ![]() | |||
I focus on the same energies as you do ![]() I guess to answer your question I would have to say that I focus on the energies that you do (Karma, maybe ![]() ![]() About your approach to manifesting Floriferous, base on a lifetime of experience and study the approach that you are using will get the best results, better than any other approach. Having a higher power on your side is helpful, but with the approach that you are using it is not actually needed. Love, tucker | ||||
![]() Here is another one that is fun ![]() and it is French. Sorry for interrupting guy's but this site is way too cool if one is really into meditation and these pictures both have to do with the waking up of the Crown Chakra. Love, tucker | ||||
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