Hello i would like too share this dream with you.This was Jan 28th-2005,i was aware of myself dropping off too sleep when i got a glimp of {2} solid white snakes on the left side & on the right side, & they were entwine around a pole which was a Caduseus.I was aware of seeing the color yellow behind the caduseus with the snakes on the pole.The yellow was bright.I only got a glimp of this as it appeared before my eyes too see & quickly left.I have had many vortexes dreams as well & i will share those dreams with you as well.I welcome your thoughts & views & want too hear your experince with your kundalini. W aiting for your reply Thank you,Dona.
Posts: 11 | Location: miriscoft outlook express5 | Registered: 17 June 2005
Now in reading this, perhaps I understand why you were attributing archetypal significance to the vision you described on the other thread as distinct from this more classical kundalini image of the snakes. Of course, the kundalini can appear via many cultural archetypes, and so those visions that don't resemble Hindu or eastern imagery are not necessarily of another order of energy.
My first thought would be to say . . . trust your own intuition, and use other people's feedback as just supplemental support. In both of these cases you describe, you seem comforted by the presence of the images.
Can you tell us more about what may have precipitated, or brought on, these experiences? Are you a meditator, and if so, what is your practice and background? Also, for me, it is important to look at what else is going on in my life, in terms of practicing compassion and mindful awareness.
You'll see on other threads here at Shalom descriptions by other people who have great difficulty with the kundalini, especially when their meditation or yogic practices are prolonged or intense or too much an attempt to arouse the energy. The general recommendation is to practice a form of loving devotion to the Divine, and service to others, and just let the kundalini run its course, as it is a created energy, not the transcendental Spirit which created it.
Hello, first of all i want too say that my kundalini cme too me own her own.I never knew of her or anything about her until she presented herself too me as the cobra.I have never practise medtation nor any other thing in my life concerning her.I just simply watched her in my dreams & payed attention too her.I am letting her do her on work on me.Whatever hs too be done too me she does & i trust her competely.She takes her time & is always in control.There is no power struggle going on with us.We work together as one.She knows what is best for me & does it.I acknowledge her & praise her & i have never never force my kundalini nor has she force me in any way.We just come together & work together as learn from her as she guides me & teaches me.Thank you for your relpy.Dona
Posts: 11 | Location: miriscoft outlook express5 | Registered: 17 June 2005
Beautiful. That sounds like devotion and surrender and trusting your intuition and the relationship forming between you and her. BTW, I experience kundalini most often in the form of the cobra as well, and this is always a graceful, beneficient expression of truth and transformation.
Hi Williams, Your story of the white cobra reminds me of a white cobra's visit years before my own Kundalini awakening. Each night she would appear before me, hood extended like she was going to strike and bite me. This went on for weeks. I dreaded the night time knowing she would appear, yet she appeared night after night. My body and bed sheets were drenched with sweat and I was engulfed in fear until one night due to sheer exhaustion and reaching a point were I really did not care if I was bitten, I said to her: you would have bitten me by now, so I am going to not be frightened by you anymore and hope that we can be friends". She retracted her hood and slithered away. Since then I have no fear of the Kundalini as a white cobra. Freebird
Posts: 571 | Location: Oregon | Registered: 20 June 2005
Hello freebird, it sound like too me she knew of the fear & your reaction too her & just maybe she knew she had too keep appearing too you & order for you too accept her.Too wear out you competely so you wouldn't be afraid anymore.She has her way of doing things with each one of us.If she wanted too she could have forced you & but she didn', it wasn't about making you afraid she just wanted you too open up & accept her so she could work with you.That is my point of view.Dona
Posts: 11 | Location: miriscoft outlook express5 | Registered: 17 June 2005