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Grace has shared numerous transformative experiences. Let's continue posting them here. His introduction to the forum is on this page ------ For about 6 years ago I was very interested on philiosophy and I read a lot of books on the subject. The motivation was actually to know what the meaning of life is. In one of those books I read about near-death experience and I was fascinating by this views. In 1998 when I was in Ethiopia (originally I'm from Eritrea but live in Sweden) at one news paper I read one article which remembers me the one book I read about near-death experience. I immediately called to the newspaper office and asked if it is possible to speak with the authour of the article. I spoke with him (his name is Kebede) and we ate lunch together the same day. In the coming weeks we met almost daily and everyday discussed about filosophy, spirituality, politics, litterature and religion. One night on May 13, 1998 as usual when I was together with Kebede discussing philosophy at about midnight Kebede was tired and slept. I remained sitting quitely and suddenly I saw a sparkling light. I didn't believe my eyes. Nevertheless, the sparklig ligts continued became shining and wider. Lastly I found my self encapsulated in thise wonderful light. Everthing around me was bright as if high light was reflected on it. I feel electrified in my body, my mouth was open and both my hands strething towrads the roof of the house. Although, I'm very conscious on what is going on me I couldn't speak for a while. At that moment Kebede was awakened and he was very frightened by that unusual incidense. I heard him when he asked me on what is going on. Lately, we left the room and went to the garden. Amazingly the entire sky was very bright and very near to me. I was shocked again. The feelings of abyss is undemonstrable. After that period I always feel the sense of that energy surrounded me 24 hours a day. Prior to this experience I was not a religious man (in its usual meaning). I didn't belong to any neither political nor religious organisations. I didn't have any knowledge either about the East religion except some sporadic hearsays about Buddha. I'm not familiar either with meditation. I have never exercised any training to attain some kind of spiritual development. But I was keen to know the meaning of life, I had (I still have) a genuine interst to know the meaning of life. I don't know why material thing never interested me (until this moment I don't have car license). After I experienced this things I became confused to what happened to me. There was no anybody which I can consult either. Anyway I found one book which interested me. Books on Jiddu Krishnamurti's teachings. Today 6 years elapsed since the inception of my first experience. I'm not confused. I threat that energy as part of my life just as I see some parts of my body. The difference is that when I meditate I feel as if I'm at the middle of the cosmos surrounded by many star like lights. I feel I'm not seperate from what I experience. I feel I'm one with it. Those lights sparkling lights sends a very powerfull energy to my body. I fell clearly how my chakras works. I even see light through my eyes reflecting on my body, the light I saw is vibrating seems do something to my body and changes place everywhere. Until today I couldn't find any person who can understand this experience, so I don't know on what level of spiritual growth I'm. Sometimes I feel solitude for a longer period. But I don't know what to do. My fience couldn't understand it. Please give me your advice. | |||
- a few posts later . . . -------- Phil, I have seen the discussion page that you are suggested, thank you. It is very interesting to see God from two different perspectives. The dual and non-dual God experience. Well in my experience as well I have experienced God as something different from me, high, powerful, Lovable being. At the same time I have some kind of feeling (which spring from the bottom of my being) which tells me that that big power is not different from me. I feel I'm intrinsically united with it. You know what Phil, I don't bother if that experience is dualistic or not. It may be interesting me at intellectual level but when it comes at spiritual level I don't mind. It is not important for me to study God. I don't mind if my experience of God is inclined to the way of East (non-dualistic God) or to the way of West (dualistic God). The most important thing is to experience it. My experience of God today looks like as I mentioned in my earlier posts. I can't predict on what will happen tomorrow. The feelings of that experience can be different at different times based upon ones spiritual advancement, sometimes dual or non-dual. If the mind inclined to attach to one of those experiences, God stays at that attachment point. I think God expands by just simply enjoying and observing the experience. Let me tell you some good news on the recent development of my spirituality. The restrain or the struggle of kundalini to cling upward seems to be cool downed. Now I feel a free movement of some power (no more fluid like movement) in the entire body particularly from the base of the spine to the top of the head. This I experience last Friday. The day after I'm totally another person. Suddenly I feel to wear bright white and clean clothes. On Saturday when I came back from the town I jumped direct to the shower. I washed my body in a very different way. Suddenly I become to act from the unknown. Where is that center which usually directed all my activities? Either it is gone or it is diminished. I enjoy life more than ever. Every thing I observe is beautiful. I began to understand clearly by what it means to live here and now. I observe without the observer. Now I'm sensitive to everything even for human beings. If somebody is sitting beside me, I can feel if the person�s soul is contaminated or not. If it is contaminated I can't stand it even for a second. This is really amazing. I have never felt before like this. When I was alone home yesterday I begun to search all of the rooms in our house spontaneously. What actually happened is cleaning of dirty spirits (you can call it evil spirits) in the house from each and every corner of the house. It seems that first my body accumulates all that dirty staffs and then throw them out of the window. This process continued for a while and the body stay at the middle of the house and begun to gather more power/energy from the heaven. The chakras started to move harmoniously, I feel I'm full of energy. Suddenly I began to scatter those energies in every room of the house. This remembered me the well known sayings God bless our house. Another thing which amazed me is when I enter to our bed room I stand in front of one big picture on the wall. Guess whose picture is on the wall? It is the picture of Jesus Christ. It has been there since many years but now I observed it differently. The 7th chakra of mine is focused on the top of the head of the picture, I began to see the halo which moves around the head of Christ. It seems that energy is I, and later on I stand in front of the mini stature of Saint Mary on the shelf. I feel Mary's feet united at the bottom of spine where Kundalini is sitting and the rest of her body goes until the 7th chakra. When it reaches the 7th chakra it became united with the halo I saw a few minutes ago on the top of Christ. It is really remarkable. It remembers me of the feminine character of kundalini. I grew up in a catholic family. I have never attached to the belief of Catholicism for that matter to any belief system, however I love the tradition of catholic. Now I wonder if this experience of Maria and Christ has to do with my upbringings? I observe while God expands. | ||||
- and a few months later . . . It has been 8 months ago since my Kundalini awakened. Since then I experiencied a lot of experiencies which nourishes my growth in Christ. Two siginifacant things happened during this purification process. The most significant and the first one is my interaction with Christ. The other significant point is the subject of this post. Two days ago while I meditate I was attracted to the Bible. Some strong power (Spirit) touched my heart and I saw an exchange of bright Spirit among the Bible and my heart. At the same time my heart chakra is connected with Christ's heart. I felt strongly something is going on in my heart.When this happened my whole being was filled with an inexplicable bliss. Later on I understood there was some kind of purification at heart level. The day after I felt pain at my left foot toe. Again the purification process intensified and touched all parts of mine. This took very long time. Today when I meditate again I was attracted to Bible. This time the relationship is very intimate and lastly I touch the Bible. Observe it is for the first time I touch Bible since my kundalini awakened. When I did that my body electrified and the Spirit stemmed from the Christ began to enter in me through the Bible. Now the pain at my toe decreased a lot and the remnant pain is purified by the Spirit of the Bible through K. It is really amazing. By the guidance of the Spirit when I opened the Bible the Spirit showered me. It seems the Spirit of the Bible tried to integrate with all my chakras by purifying them. I know this is the continuation of my previous purification process but at the same time it is the beginning of something new and significant. I think this is one of the rare hallmark of my experience. Praise to God! - http://shalomplace.com/ubb/ult...pic;f=4;t=000010;p=6 | ||||
The purification process is going on producing new realities and growth. Recently the two opposite polarities of kundalini merged at heart and since then I feel the body of Christ more strongly like a hand in a glove. It seems the seat of Christ is at heart. Praise to our Lord. | ||||
You are blessed indeed and a blessing to us as well! ![]() blessingshappen.com | ||||
Something very special thing happened to the energy of my kundalini. My kundalini has been awakened since last May. Now this energy of kundalini fell down while I meditated and substituted by Holy Spirit. The removal of kundalini energy started from the base of spine and continue to the rest part of my body. Now the seat of Holy Spirit is at my forehead and the spirit springs from here showered my entire body. When it interact with the energy of Kundalini it casted out immediately. In my experience the energy of kundalini and Maria has been one and the same. What I observed now is the energy of kundalini is totally removed from the body of Maria and she merged with the energy of Christ at heart. Now in the absense of kundalini energy the purification proces is continuing entirely depended on Holy Spirit. It seems the Trinity have their proper place at me being the heart the seat of Christ, forehead the seat of Holy Spirit and crown chakra the seat of God. | ||||
In my experience the energy of kundalini and Maria has been one and the same. What I observed now is the energy of kundalini is totally removed from the body of Maria and she merged with the energy of Christ at heart. Please say some more about this, Grace. Are you saying that you still have kundalini experience, but you do not find it in what you're calling Maria? I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "body of Maria." | ||||
As I mentioned earlier the energy of kundalini has been strongly attached to Maria. Maria is not kundalini energy but it seems she has this energy. While kundalini energy is totally removed from my body at the same moment I observed this energy was removed from Maria as well. Later on the pure energy of Maria began to enter in me and then merged with the energy of Christ at (my) heart. Are you saying that you still have kundalini experience, but you do not find it in what you're calling Maria? The energy of kundalini is removed from my body. So, I don't have kundalini experience anymore. Thus, the role of Maria as kundalini energy is finished. The purification process is continuing with different aim. Previously the energy of kundalini pushed from the base of spine goes upward until it reaches the crown Chakra. Now when Holy Spirit takes its place the movement is to the opposite. Holy Spirit emantes from forehead and goes down. The purification process continues entirely directed by Holy Spirit. Maria without kundalini energy has a new roll in this new purification process. The process is directed by Holy Spirit with full assistance of Maria and angels. It seems the aim of this new purification process is to stablize/integrate the already merged energy of Christ at heart. I hope I'm answered your question. | ||||
Thank you Grace, The Russian Orthodox say that the entry point for the spiritual energy lies behind the left shoulderblade. I've felt it going in there, but often it seems to pour in through the back of the neck. Many Pentacostals describe a similar experience. At other times, especially when reclining, the energy begins in my chest area and radiates outward. "Out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water." I wonder about this scripture, and perhaps I'm doing something wrong since I've seldom had it start in my belly. "Yummie, Yummie Yummie, I got Love in my Tummie!" ![]() caritas, mm <*)))))>< | ||||
Yes, thank you for your response, Grace. I know how difficult it is to put some of these experiences into words, so I appreciate your sharing. I do understand your saying that kundalini is "finished" with its work. I don't understand your experience of it as "totally removed from the body." It sounds like you're saying that kundalini was integrated through the mediation of Maria, and now her work continues, but without the nececessity of kundalini. So I'm wondering what kundalini is "doing," if that's even asking an intelligible question. What you're describing is very similar to how people on yogic pathways describe the work of "Divine Mother." Your reference to her as "Maria" is one of the few -- maybe the only! -- I've ever come across that so explicitly connects the intervention of Christ's mother with kundalini integration. Would you be willing to share more about your experience of Maria? How do you know and recognize her? Is she a kind of presence? Are there visions or communications from her? | ||||
I don't understand your experience of it as "totally removed from the body." It sounds like you're saying that kundalini was integrated through the mediation of Maria, and now her work continues, but without the nececessity of kundalini. So I'm wondering what kundalini is "doing," if that's even asking an intelligible question. Phil,I understand that you are perplexed by my statement: kundalini is totally removed. I by myself was very surprised when it ocuured. When I say kundalini is finished I mean it literally. Kundalini is not integrated, it is removed and in its place totally another reality prevailed. The new reality is integrating the newly merged energy of Christ and it is entirely different from the classical work of kundalini. Would you be willing to share more about your experience of Maria? How do you know and recognize her? Is she a kind of presence? Are there visions or communications from her? I don't have a vision of Maria. In my room I have Holy pictures and images. When I meditate my attention is trongly attracted to Christ and Maria. By simply looking their images I can see and feel how the energy is flowing. By the same token if I see images which are contrary to the energy of Christ I feel nauseated. Previously the energy of kundalini is strongly attached to Maria. Now when the energy of kundalini removed I observed how the Holy Spirit cast away from my body begginig from the base of spine. By the same procedure I saw kundalini is removed from the statue/image of Maria. I think that is how the Spirit assisted me to understand the process. | ||||
OK, I think I understand. In all of this, you are making some distinctions between the energy of Christ, the energy of Maria, the energy of kundalini and even the Holy Spirit. These are very subtle matters, and I applaud your sensitivity to them. Without meaning to overly "psychologize" your experience, here, I wonder if Maria could be understood in terms of the feminine aspect of your own unconscious -- what Jung called the Anima? The middle section of this article can help to explain what I'm talking about, as can this one. If that is the case, then it could be that your focus on the statue illicits a projection from the Anima (in a very healthy way, I might add), that has assisted with the integration of the kundalini process. It could also be that the Anima is now doing a different type of work, and that kundalini will do whatever it needs to now that its flow has been safely established. Please, again . . . no attempt to overly psychologize. It just seemed as though the way you speak of the statue of Maria here is similar to the dynamics of Anima-projection, which is very common. OTOH, it could indeed be the case that the Blessed Mother has/is interceding in a special way on your behalf. | ||||
Without meaning to overly "psychologize" your experience, here, I wonder if Maria could be understood in terms of the feminine aspect of your own unconscious -- what Jung called the Anima? Phil, I'm glad that you understand me. Yes, I see a clear distinction between the energy of Christ, Holy Spirit and Kundalini. At initial it was difficult for me to seperate the enrgy of kundalini from Maria. But at later stage I began to understand that thiese two energies are different albeit their similarity. Especially now when the energy of kundalini removed I can see clearly how the enrgy of Maria is different than kundalini. Re. the issue of anima. It is an interesting topic. Initially the statue of Maria may have been my unconscious projection of anima. I view anima as part of our karmic issue that must be transformed before we recieve the energy of Christ. It is possible that Maria had played this roll during the first period of my kundalini. However, her role must sees in a larger context. The larger context of Maria is her participation in the salvation of mankind founded by her son, our Lord Jesus Christ. | ||||
I would like to add some point regarding Maria. When I review what the Catholic Church says about Maria I found it resonate with my experience. My understanding of Maria is far beyond psycology. Based on my experience I believe Maria has a role in the plan of Christ. Jesus came for the salvation of mankind and Maria participated in this process and she continues to participate in different forms. Another interesting point is the time of my kundalini awakening. My kundalini, which is similar with the energy of Maria, awakened on May 13, 2004. Few days later I encountered the energy of Christ and Maria at the same time. For 87 years ago at the same month and date Maria showed to five children and delivered her message. The birthday of Maria is on May 9. I don�t think this coincidence is accidental. From her all big plan and roll singlinig out Maria only as the projection of anima is the same as totally neglect her roll as the closest partner of Christ. Phil, I don�t mean that you underestimate her roll, infact it is good that you raise this point. | ||||
Grace, I recognize Mary's role in salvation, only it's often difficult to separate how our experiences of Mary and the Anima inter-relate. The Anima is far more than a karmic conundrum to resolve; she is the feminine side of all men, and doesn't ever really go away. She projects herself onto every female we know, and part of our reaction to these women reflects our own inner attitude toward the contrasexual side of our nature. This is as true for the relationship between Catholic men and Mary as it is for them and their wives. Nevertheless, it's certainly true that many through the ages have had a deep relationship with Mary, which they knew to be connected, yet separate, from their relationship with Christ. She is, after all, fully alive in God, body and soul, and can make herself known to whoever she wishes. Undoubtedly, this would have a beneficial influence on one's relationship with the Anima, kundalini, other women, etc. | ||||
The Anima is far more than a karmic conundrum to resolve; she is the feminine side of all men, and doesn't ever really go away. Phil, please say more about anima and how it differs from karmic issue. | ||||
Some people say that Rocky the squirrel was the first gay cartoon character, but I see Rocky as androgynous. As far as Bullwinkle, he was definitely an ani-moose. ![]() | ||||
Thanks MM. Very helpful! ![]() Grace, the Anima is part of a man's human nature, that's what I mean. By "karmic issue," I mean a consequence or imbalance that has to be reconciled or integrated. We can integrate the Anima, but we never really get rid of it -- sort of like our intellect, will, body, and so forth. | ||||
Thanks MM and Phil. It sounds the issue of Anima is not problomatic by itself. The question is wheather it is integrated or not. If it is integrated it is like becoming from false self to true self. Am I right? The self is always there but it is important to have transformed self/true self. | ||||
It's more like integrating the intellect, emotions, etc. as the false self isn't really a natural part of our human nature. I think the links I shared above say something about integrating the Anima. | ||||
In this forum I wrote some of my mystical experiences believing that some people may be inspired by it. I don't know if this works as I intended. I would like to hear people's comment on those experiences I have. For example on which way are you inspired by it? Is it beneficial for your spiritual life or not? If I continue to write my experiences in the future it depends on how you take it. I would like to know your feedbacks. For those of you who don't want to share your comments in this forum you can contact me in the following address: tmehretu@yahoo. | ||||
I'm sure there are people who benefit from the sharing, Grace, but my experience with these kinds of discussions is that, more often than not, people just lurk. E.g., on one of the premium groups, there are 15 subscribers to a forum and I haven't even heard "boo" from 10 of them. We have 11 lessons posted so far, and there's not a single comment on 5 of them. Same goes for the Daily Spiritual Seed sharing list; over 50 subscribers and not a word for weeks now. So you share your thoughts and experiences knowing that it's likely that most who benefit won't write anything in response. I'm sorry to say, but that seems to be the way it goes, and I'm guilty as charged in my own involvement on other web sites. | ||||
Phil said: I'm sure there are people who benefit from the sharing, Grace, but my experience with these kinds of discussions is that, more often than not, people just lurk. I agree. Grace, I�m listening and hopefully learning. And because your Ongoing Awakening is a deeply religious one, I�m somewhat hesitant to intrude. But I must say that if I wanted to help, or to relate how your observations have helped me, I would probably need to translate from your paradigm (of energies, spirits, kundalini and charkas) to one of feelings, motivations, psychological blockages, wants and needs. That is not to say that I would need to remove the religious, but I would tend to interpret any descriptions of �tingling� or feelings of an energy flow to perhaps signs of the release of tensions, the raising of tensions, or some other more mundane explanation. In the interest of understanding, and only in the interest of understanding, I wonder sometimes if in talking about these energies, charkas and whatnot that doing so is a possible sign of being estranged from our selves, from our emotions, or from our feelings. We might be more comfortable relating to them as �energies� but might not the answer be something else? Might not, say, a certain energy or �pang� be a feeling of loneliness, of isolation or some other strong emotion, particularly if they are the kind of emotions and feelings that can become so ever-present that we have a hard time identifying them directly? Anyway, this is presented as simply another perspective. There are many things in this world I haven�t experienced and just because I haven�t experienced them doesn�t mean they are not real. I hope others will relate to your profound and quite interesting experiences. | ||||
So you share your thoughts and experiences knowing that it's likely that most who benefit won't write anything in response. Phil, in the absence of feedback sometimes I wonder if people understood me correctly. It could have been better to continue writing based on people's need. It is possible that many people are interesting in my writings but I must say it is very difficult to se their seriousness when there is no any response. In the interest of understanding, and only in the interest of understanding, I wonder sometimes if in talking about these energies, charkas and whatnot that doing so is a possible sign of being estranged from our selves, from our emotions, or from our feelings. Brad, glad to see you here. You put very interesting question. We have to differantiate the period when kundalini was active and the period after the kundalini is removed (not integrated but removed). Durig the time when my kundalini was active (between May 2004 and February 2005)the feeling of energy you mentioned above are yes the sign of being estranged from ourselves. Nevertheless, we have to remember the presense of another energy, Holy Spirit, entirely different from the energy of kundalini. The Holy Spirit existed side by side with the energy of k, infact k was actually awakened by Spirit. Whereas k purified among other things the feelings you mentioned above, Holy Spirit nourishes the soul. The purification process dramatically changed its course when k suddenly removed from my body. Now we arrived in a totally different and new situation. The work of k is now history instead the commando is taken by Christ himself and the journey of the soul toward Trinity accelerated. At this level we are not talking about the psycological feelings. At this level the challenge of the soul is to encounter Satan. Since the commando is taken by Christ the only Person who can defeat the power of Satan is Christ. In the mean time soul tested if she has strong enough faith in Christ. Based upon this Faith Christ continue to battle with Satan claiming his properity until the entire nature of soul is merged with Him. | ||||
Thanks grace for having the courage to reveal these experiences. I have found it very interesting. It's inspiring to know there are people out there who are earnestly seeking God. I find that reading others experiences helps me to stay focussed and to keep motivated in efforts to know God myself. | ||||
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