I am new to this forum and wanted to introduce myself. my name is Krissy, I am 26 years old, mother of two little ones, and am in the middle of a kundalini awakening/holy spirit indwelling process. it started less than a year ago when the usual "zap up the spine" occurred. then i started hearing ringing sounds (the sounds of creation), fear and love running through me, bright lights etc. as soon as i found out it was the holy spirit, i was estatic...as i have been christian my entire life. however, i had heard all the warnings when dealing with the kundalini and went out to search for help. God led me to a spiritual teacher that has transcended a kundalini awakening, and is now helping others learn to surrender to this divine force. after meeting with her, the energy is balanced and it has been a divine blessing in my life. every day the moment i wake up, i pray to the spirit of God within and hand over all control to HIM. I wanted to join your group to be with other christians in the midst of the path that the holy of holies have walked.