osha course or occupational safety and health administration provides course in health and safety management. There are plenty of online courses such as MSHA part 46,OSHA outreach training, the course is for construction or general industry. Hazwoper is another training to protect workers of hazardous waste. There are also courses on environmental, construction and general industry. There are also courses for supervisor or safety co-ordinators and directors who are interested in further knowledge of OSHA standards. There are OSHA- mandated courses that are introduced during training programs. These courses are quite useful in promoting health and safety within organisations. There are also food and alcohol safety courses, such courses emphasise on the safe drinking patterns for workers. Certain organisations provide allowances or offer drinks to their workers. There are also canteens and food outlets that offer beverages to their workers. The course highlights the need for safe, healthy and nutritious food, given to workers. Better and nutritious food can improve the health of workers. Hygienic and nutritious food should be distributed to workers. The course duration of certain courses are less and the duration is similar to programs. There are various certifications available to courses by OSHA include continuing education units ( CEU). Certification by American board for occupational Health nurses (ABOHN), American board of industrial hygiene (ABIH) are mandatory. Board of certified safety professionals (BCSP) provides certification, continuation of certification (COC) is available to certified safety professionals who complete the course in which at least half is devoted to health and safety.