Well, when the FDA opposes the ADA re: safety issues, and weighs in cautiously, there could be something too treacherous for mainstream medicine to overlook:
It�s a long time since amalgam fillings started being phased out here in Norway. And there are many reports of people getting relief from health ailments after ridding themselves of their old mercury amalgam fillings, a procedure that has to be carried out very carefully.
It seems the ADA is a bit behind the times; then again, similar views were being expressed in Scandinavia 10�15 years ago.
The U.S. is often the slowest moving in this regard. The FDA is nortorious for approving drugs with high risks and keeping them on the market until public outcry, and Congressional oversight, win the day. The presence of mercury in U.S. produced vaccines is another case in point.
Mercury in vaccines? Surely you jest! In what vaccines and for what purpose?
In Norway dental patients can, I believe, specifically request amalgam fillings. Few do so, and to the best of my knowledge the majority of dentists have abandoned them altogether. With improved resin composites, there is no longer any need for them.
In the USA, cannot the patient request resin fillings? Are there prohibitive cost factors? What are the dentists themselves recommending?
One question is what the FDA does, but what about the dentists themselves?
Surely individual US dentists are sufficiently informed about the massive international research confirming the health dangers of mercury amalgam? And surely they are professional enough as individuals to act accordingly?
I think most dentists now avoid using mercury. I've asked mine about it (as a considerable portion of my salary has gone to dental work in recent years), and he never uses it. Of course, I have all these old fillings that are probably loaded, and which probably contribute to a bit of weird energy experiences in my brain.
Resins are comonly used, but you don't hear the American Dental Association condemning the use of amalgams. The initial report of this thread has the ADA trying to persuade the public that the mercury in amalgams can't be leaked into the blood stream. That's just how arrogant the ADA is, similar to the way the FDA will deny lethal toxicity of drugs even though their own investigators may recommend against drug approval. Some of those investigators, who were either fired, or resigned in protest, have apparently appeared before Congress, or spoken openly about the FDA's tendency to hide its own dirty laundry.
And yes, "thermosil," which is mercury, is present in most U.S. vaccines, as far as I know. Do a google search and see what you find.
Resins are now usually covered by insurance as amalgams are, although perhaps at less of a percentage.
I use a lab that tests for compatibility re: resins, sealants, etc . . . . The serum test shows low, moderate and high antibody reactivity to the various materials, and so my dentist has a list of those which are low reactive to choose from.
Most dentists order resins in bulk, and so there is still the likelihood of high immune reactivity.
When I went to a dentist about two years ago and voiced my concern about his desire to use mercury fillings, he told me I watch to much TV and shouldn't worry. Needless to say I did not return for the follow-up appointment in which I would receive the filling. I don't think South African dentistry policy has come to terms with this issue.
Posts: 716 | Location: South Africa | Registered: 12 August 2005