14 November 2012, 01:07 AM
makarDifferent Kundalini Awakening systems/techniques?
Good luck for whatever you are seeking

How many disciples of this sahaja yoga path have already really got this "self-realisation" ?
several lakhs

To get Realisation is a very very rare thing
It was. Things have changed with time. Now there are many more seekers as compared to older times. Many of us are 'ready' for realisation now, which was not earlier.
and it is dependent on the grace of God.
very true

not much to be gained by reading books and using the head :P
Yes, she has a little power
hahahaha :P
SHE has traveled the whole world on her own expenses and given realization to lakhs of seekers free of cost, without having them them go through any suffering/tests/pain, cured even their diseases and what not.
Only the Holy Spirit must be our guru
very true

I suggest you get your realisation in sahaja yoga, and with open hands ask our mother is She is the holy spirit, how else would you know?
@Mary Sue
sacrifice what? I don't remember doing any

I was in the habit of doing-doing, doing this and doing that....this continued after my self-realisation too.....now I'm surrendering because it makes everything so much easy

14 November 2012, 07:24 PM
PhilMostly flippancy, makar.
not much to be gained by reading books and using the head :PIt's obvious that you believe that.
The intellect is part of our spiritual consciousness and needs to be integrated with the rest of our process. RUN, dear friends, from spiritualities and teachers that denigrate the intellect in favor of some supposed "self-realization," of which the intellect is in opposition. You will fall for anything if you believe this.
18 November 2012, 01:01 PM
PhilMy self realizes that it is a self. What's the big deal?

21 November 2012, 09:32 AM
PhilThanks, Bliss. As always, it's "buyer beware," and in Christian lingo that translates to, "seeker beware of teachings that go against sound doctrine."
21 November 2012, 09:35 AM
ShashaThanks Bliss for bringing this to our attention.
This cult seems to have all the same destructive problems as many of the others we've discussed over the years. People are drawn in by the energy but don't learn how to cope with the complexities of life--the very challenges that draw us closer to God.
21 November 2012, 01:33 PM
samsonThis is an interesting point for me right now - how different mystical, psychic experiences, including kundalini, can make you question Christian doctrine. Once the experience is processed however, you find there is actually no need to reject doctrine, perhaps only alter perspective and broaden experiential horizons. The doctrine seems able to encompass a variety of unusual experiences, thus far. Giving a guru control over your life wouldn't be one of them however.
21 November 2012, 09:42 PM
Mary Sue[QUOTE]Originally posted by makar:
After self-realization we become our own guru, we start understanding what is wrong and what is right, nobody needs to tell us. We can know the state of our chakras/energy centers on our fingers and even of others./QUOTE]
There is a prayer, Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner. What this says to me is that it
doesn't matter if i'm enlightened, self-realized, or in union with God, i am still capable of sin. That i must be in
"surrender to God" and through His Grace learn right from wrong.
22 November 2012, 09:40 AM
This is an interesting point for me right now - how different mystical, psychic experiences, including kundalini, can make you question Christian doctrine. Once the experience is processed however, you find there is actually no need to reject doctrine, perhaps only alter perspective and broaden experiential horizons.
Exactly, Stephen! Sound doctrine can accommodate a wide range of experiences. What usually happens with these spiritual breakthroughs, however, are shifts in identity and God-sensitivity, which often does bring about a change in how one understands a doctrine or the importance one gives to such. Doctrine still has a role to play in setting forth direction and boundaries outside of which we would probably be straying from the kind of intimacy with God that Christ offers us. But when we live in this intimacy, doctrinal concerns take a backseat.
22 November 2012, 09:01 PM
ClairePhil "Doctrine still has a role to play in setting forth direction and boundaries outside of which we would probably be straying from the kind of intimacy with God that Christ offers us. But when we live in this intimacy, doctrinal concerns take a backseat."
Yes, isn't that great?
Perhaps some bloggers out there may need to know that I have been reading about the Kundalini awakening for many years now and never have had the experience, nor do I seek it, though I have been a contemplative for many years. I don't post much because I am 85 years old and have difficulty typing with my ET (Essential Tremor). I do often have gentle sensations that ripple up within me and explode into silent praises of God. Often this is discernment as to whether my thoughts or actions are affirmed by the Holy Spirit. I know that the Evil One is allowed to mimic God but would never praise God with such delight.
I am grateful for this grace. Also I am giving thanks for all the graces bestowed on everyone who posts here.
23 November 2012, 10:37 AM
How lovely to read what you have written. It has heartened me this afternoon. So badly needed. Grace and thanksgiving.
23 November 2012, 06:45 PM
ClaireThank you Clare. My post did not come to my email,so I did not know if I had posted correctly until I saw yours. Blessings to you and all your loved ones.