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The Ringing Cedars of Russia book series.

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24 June 2010, 10:39 AM
The Ringing Cedars of Russia book series.
The narrator of this amasing story is a Russian intrepreneur. On a river voyage to Siberia, he learns of a cedar whose wood has miraculous powers to promote physical and emotional health. The trader makes a return trip to the region to harvest this special tree. On the riverbank near where the tree grows, he meets a strange and beautiful young woman, Anastasia.
Anastasia takes the trader to her home in the forest. She shows him where sleeps in the open air and demonstrates to him that she has no need to earn a living, since squirrels bring her food. Over the course of three days, she explains to the narrator her way of seeing the world. Her poetic-like monologues on this subject form the bulk of the book.
Human beings, says Anastasia, are naturally pure. But education, civilization, and technology suppress this purity and clarity. In our natural state, we can communicate with plants and animals, know things across space and time, and work with the natural energies of the universe. But due to our technocratic culture, we have exchanged these abilities for a dreary, tedious, humdrum existence. The solution is a reconnection with nature: a society where relationships between men and women are based on love rather than sexual neediness, and where children are kept in touch with nature by being raised in homesteads where food is grown in the garden.
Anastasia’s philosophy evokes for the reader a sense of lost Edenic innocence and an experience of infantile omnipotence.
Please check more about the series here: Ringing Cedars of Russia
24 June 2010, 07:34 PM
VestnikRA, I suppose I should be happy, since they say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but your post above is copied almost word for word from my post on Shalom Place last year: