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Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine

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17 December 2005, 05:32 PM
Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine
The Man:

The Work:

Writing at a time of political upheaval, during the first World War and the Russian Revolution, and before Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's Phenomenon of Man, Aurobindo has his mind on higher things, involution, consciousness, evolution. Such reading is likely to elevate one's consciousness. Smiler

The journey of a thousand miles...
18 December 2005, 04:27 PM
Virya108 /Pauline
Are you aware that you can only advance to the 2nd page in that link?
I may have to wait till after the New Year..I start training as an Ayurvidedic tech, the week after xmas, and next week is equally filled.
I will try to read posts though. And appreciate your starting it. Did you not like the ideas for a more satsang like discussions format I suggested? Or feel they wer needed?
vleno, virya
19 December 2005, 02:32 AM
Virya (Pauline),

I had the same problem, and the link from the ashram
won't work from this server, but I think you can get
to the Aurobindo ashram site through the wikipedia;
"Complete on-line version of LIFE DIVINE"

Became engrossed in the book last night and read 100
pages. It is quite dense and requires attention and patience. It's a bit like reading Ken Wilber, although somewhat smoother and relaxed. Peace! Smiler