14 April 2012, 02:03 PM
InLimboOne incredible tool to aid a cleansing crisis
So for years and years, I'd dealt with Kundalini chakra cleansings, not knowing what it was or what it was about. Since I was uneducated on and completely unaware of the topic of Kundalini awakenings, I suffered quite an unnecessary amount. Knowing what I know now, I see that this process can be helped with some simple protocols.
One thing I'd noticed, during a cleansing, was that I'd urinate very often. This led me to believe that toxins were being released from my organs, and removed through the urinary tract. My last cleansing, which took place a few weeks ago, left me exhausted and in a state of heavy depression. This time around, having some knowledge of what was happening, I decided to try a strong Epsom salt bath. It worked WONDERS, and I actually felt quite close to myself within an hour of the bath.
Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate. Magnesium is required by every last cell of the human body, and is vitally important to life. One amazing aspect of magnesium is its ability to remove toxins from the organs and blood, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. It's truly been a miracle treatment for me.
My favorite way to use this is via footbath: find a small tub, with enough space to comfortably fit your feet inside. Fill with a few gallons of the hottest water you can comfortably stand. Add at least 3 full cups of Epsom salts, or even up to 6 if you feel REALLY awful. Grab a book, or turn on your favorite TV program, and soak your feet for a minimum of 45 minutes. The magnesium will work its way into your body, and then the "magic" takes place. You can also use it with a full bath; simply at at least 5 cups. The baths can be used as often as necessary for relief. I await your "thank you's" =)
Epsom salt has allowed me to discontinue ALL psychiatric medications, has eliminated my depression issues, and has kicked anxiety/panic attacks to the curb. I now enjoy exercising again, and my mind feels sharp, with good focus and positive thought patterns. If only I'd known about this years ago!
God bless,
14 April 2012, 04:00 PM

Good tip, and I'll be sure to give it a try sometime. Thanks.
14 April 2012, 07:27 PM
InLimboPlease do!! Can't wait to hear your results! I'll be back next week to make another supplemental recommendation, as well =)
14 April 2012, 07:55 PM
Mary Suequote:
Originally posted by InLimbo:
I decided to try a strong Epsom salt bath. It worked WONDERS, and I actually felt quite close to myself within an hour of the bath.
Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate. Magnesium is required by every last cell of the human body, and is vitally important to life. One amazing aspect of magnesium is its ability to remove toxins from the organs and blood, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. It's truly been a miracle treatment for me.
Thank you so much Jason for sharing this.
I have not understood why magnesium was
needed but I have also found it helpful.
Recently I used powdered magnesium
oxide mixed with hand lotion & rubbed it into my skin. I'll give those footbaths a
try as I do experience those periods of
strong kundalini activity and feel a real need for cleansing where fasting is not required.
14 April 2012, 08:05 PM
InLimboGlad to hear of your interest, Mary! I GUARANTEE that epsom salt treatments will improve your quality of life by at LEAST 25%. It has completely transformed my life for the better...I can even enjoy exercising again, whereas physical activity used to give me very bad anxiety/kund energy issues!
Above all else is the mental aspect. It offers such calm, such clarity of thought. And it's SO inexpensive!
Can't wait to share what else I've found with you folks next week

Enjoy, and God bless =)
15 April 2012, 06:24 AM
ClareInlimbo, Thank you for your recommendation re epsom salts. I never thought of using it as a footbath, but it makes sense. I will try it today. C