20 June 2012, 08:54 AM
SavikalpaFalling Dreams
The most common higher kundalini experience is the falling dream. Folk wisdom says that if a person falls all the way in a falling dream then they will die, although anyone who did so wouldn't be around to warn others, it seems.
But there is a measure of truth to that. The whole goal of the spiritual life is to surrender to God, and when we are "falling" in kundalini there is an "inversion" of control from ourselves to God. The more we let go and surrender, the more we receive. The more we renounce, the more we gain. It is both the most simple and easist of things to do and also the hardest of all things to do.
One night, I received the grace of God and saw Him face to face. By surrendering to the grace, the whole spectrum of kundalini was shown to me within a few moments, and I witnessed it unfold; how the soul collects and peels away from the body and makes its ascent up the spinal column, the complete bliss and love and peace in heaven, and Who God is Who imparts the happiness.
"He who seeks to save his life shall lose it, while he who loses his life for My sake shall find it" might describe many things, but one of them is the full-flowing kundalini process, requiring surrender.
If you have had a falling dream, then you know a little of what kundalini is in its final ascent. Surrender into the fall, and you will soon be soaring.
20 June 2012, 06:54 PM
PhilGreetings, Savikalpa, and welcome.
I've not heard much about "falling in kundalini," as you put it. Where did you learn of this? Is that from the marvelous experience you describe?
Thanks for your sharing.
20 June 2012, 09:04 PM
SavikalpaHi Phil, and thank you.
The falling dream I believe is the action of kundalini coming up the center of the spine after and above the throat chakra, and the mind in the sleep state interprets the event as a free fall. In my experience of the Beatific Vision, there was no falling, but there was a great movement all the same.
12 January 2013, 08:20 PM
PInteresting, forgot where I heard it, but I heard falling dreams signify your growing. The context was referring to measurable growth, but who knows - maybe spiritual too?