22 November 2021, 02:26 PM
PhilKundalini and the Holy Spirit
Good to hear from you again, acuveda. It's been slow here, as various social media have supplanted traditional discussion boards like this one. I think there are still advantages to this format, however, none the least of which is keeping up with topics.
What an amazing story you share about your husbands's illness and recovery process. That peace you experienced throughout is such a gift of the Spirit! Patience and trusting in God are always a challenge, but it sounds like you've been very faithful in doing so.
How was it that you sensed your husband was going to have an aneurysm? Were there hints of this based on your energy practice, or an intuitive knowing about it?
Thanks for your comments about Yogi Bhajan. He used to be a popular writer on kundalini disciplines, but I haven't come across much reference to him in years. Seems there was some scandal in his ashram, so that might have soured many on his work.
https://www.yogajournal.com/yo...e-in-kundalini-yoga/02 January 2022, 11:49 PM
acuvedaIn spite of gravity of my husband's situation, I've been truly blessed through this entire period of recovery. He still has challenges due to brain fatigue but is doing amazingly well. Friends, colleagues, and the generous prayers of others have sustained us throughout. Finally, after so many months of feeling completely drained, I am regaining some of my former energy and motivation. I've even had time to start doing some yogasana practice again. I've managed to accumulate quite a bit of new body tension over this last year--imagine that!
Truthfully, I think it was a gift from God rather than an intuitive knowing that I predicted the event. Energetically, I can make sense of it with my husband's constitution, disposition, lifestyle, etc., but I only come to that conclusion through analysis after the fact, based on actual presentation.
It's really sad to hear of all the abuse in yoga circles (or anywhere else for that matter). Maybe it's intuition that's always made me skeptical about yoga gurus and their ashrams in spite of the fact that I appreciate some of the philosophy, practice, healthy lifestyle and sense of community.
Blessings for the new year. I know we are all hoping for improvement.
06 January 2022, 03:53 PM
PhilSo glad to hear you're doing better, acuveda. Journeying through extended illness with a loved one can indeed be quite wearing. I've had a few rounds of this through the years. It sounds like your husband has turned the corner, which is also very good news.
Sometimes it's impossible to know where grace and natural aptitudes begin and end. St. Thomas Aquinas taught that grace builds on human nature, so it's probably a both/and. Either way, it's a gift, but it's one that we can learn to develop and trust.
We are still early in the encounter between Christianity and spiritualities of other religions, but are already seeing much promise. Ongoing discernment is important, so keep that intuition of yours sharp!

Happy new year to you as well.