Shalom Place Community
Kundalini and the Holy Spirit
04 September 2020, 07:21 PM
Tom EKundalini and the Holy Spirit
I have never heard the Holy Spirit manifesting as pleasure at the bottom of the spine. That sounds more like Kundalini. But hey, it would be kind of silly to set up strict dogma over where someone feels the Holy Spirit. I’m assuming Elijah used the Holy Spirit to outrun a chariot and Samson used it for physical strength. Maybe you have stumbled upon a way to use the Holy Spirit for non traditional means. I think a lot of Christians would be thrilled to learn new uses for the Holy Spirit. Would you call yourself a Christian? It seems like you were just kind of dabbling.
04 September 2020, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by Phil:
Velimir, it sounds like you're in touch with some kind of inner guidance, and in the Christian spiritual tradition, this is understood as the Holy Spirit. What we do say about this is that the guidance needs to be considered, but also tested in the light of Scripture, Church teaching, common sense, and self-knowledge. If it really is the Holy Spirit, there should be no conflicts, and yet you ought to still feel free to decide about following this guidance. God never removes our freedom, and never over-powers our human judgment.
The content you're sharing sounds positive but ambiguous. The Gospel passage that comes to mind as I read it is Mt. 7:7-11. Maybe take some time to read and reflect on this. Generally, we have to let things unfold, one small step at a time, but we need to keep asking and seeking.
Yes, yes and yes! Thank you!

I talked yesterday evening for about 3 hours with my friend who's professor at the Catholic Faculty in Zagreb about all this, and his thoughts are exactly the same as yours.
As this is all so very new to me (it started on June 27th as I wrote) I feel very much the need to talk and consult with more experienced friends, to double check everything and to use my full judgement, just as you say.
As you invited me to start a discussion on ACIM (which I will, just to find the time for it), the three hours talk of yesterday was also devoted to discussing ACIM as it is the teaching which has activated all this. We discussed the differences between the Scripture and ACIM, sharing our interpretation about some fundamental issues... and concluded that we are both looking at these fundamental issues in the identical way. One of my key questions was whether he thinks it's possible that ACIM was really dictated by Jesus, as the book claims from the start... and we agreed that in principle it's fully possible, Jesus is alive and is communicating with us. However, how to judge whether this is really the case remained an open question for further discussion.
I'd like to start the discussion about that on this forum as well (as I said, just to find some time, I'm a bit busy with other things

04 September 2020, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by Tom E:
I have never heard the Holy Spirit manifesting as pleasure at the bottom of the spine. That sounds more like Kundalini. But hey, it would be kind of silly to set up strict dogma over where someone feels the Holy Spirit. I’m assuming Elijah used the Holy Spirit to outrun a chariot and Samson used it for physical strength. Maybe you have stumbled upon a way to use the Holy Spirit for non traditional means. I think a lot of Christians would be thrilled to learn new uses for the Holy Spirit. Would you call yourself a Christian? It seems like you were just kind of dabbling.
Would I call myself a Christian?
Hm... since all this started, my beliefs have very much changed. I have truly started to believe that Mary became pregnant by the acting of the Holy Spirit, which about two months ago sounded ridiculous to me. I believe
the Holy Spirit is 'alive and well' as Phil put it, just like I believe the sun is shining when I see it in the sky. I believe Jesus has come to know God and his message was and is fully of God and given through the Holy Spirit. But I am critical (often very much so) about some actings of the Catholic Church, especially the bishops and priests here in Croatia, and I'm not willing to blindly follow and accept their claims.
Does that sound like I'm a Christian?
04 September 2020, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by Tom E:
Velimir do you know what message you are supposed to spread? Ask the voice if the feeling is the Holy Spirit? You can also ask your answerer who is answering your questions. Paul asked Jesus who He was; I don’t think your guide will find it rude. This is kind of exciting so keep us updated.
One of the messages I'm supposed to spread is that science and technology should be used exclusively as tools for the spiritual development of humanity, all other uses lead to degeneration, disaster, pain and death. Literally.
From what I understand, I'm supposed to spread this message by entering and becoming part of the scientific community (that's why the PhD, the title role is just like a nice suit and tie, when you put it on and go to a business meeting trying to convince people they generally accept you more favourably). After that I'm supposed to become a world class physicist and contribute very much to the knowledge about physics and science (these achievements will act like a still nicer suit and tie), and spread the same message.
I'm supposed to live a long, healthy and happy life, I had a vision of running the marathon for my 100th birthday by that spread the message 'Look at me, this is how life looks like if you fully follow the Holy Spirit! Do you want this, or do you want what you currently have? Awake my brothers and sisters!'.
I'm also supposed to become a world famours musician, as I wrote, I've been playing music for 40 years, my level of playing is at the professional level but I don't play music for money but exclusively for my own enjoyment. And by becoming famous I'm supposed to spread the same message, i.e. the fame is just another nice suit.
Through all this I am to follow the Holy Spirit fully, otherwise none of the above will happen or if it happens might lead to disaster and death. I have to FULLY follow the Spirit at all times, but then as Phil wrote, at all times I have and will have the power to choose.
Sounds like way too good to be true, but then I have to consider very carefully at all times that becoming famous is BIG temptation and many (most) have been led astray and stopped following the Spirit, which leads to disaster and death.
And one final understanding - in all this I will not be left alone, never. Perhaps the most alone people in the world are the famous ones, they buy their big houses, their yachts, planes,... whatever, and they feel so alone and miserable. I never asked for that, I am fully happy with my family and life as it is, it's not my wish to become famous, on the contrary. As I said I'm playing music at a professional level and surely I could use it to achieve some fame, but until now I've very much decided against that every time I had the chance to choose.
As it is, to the offerings of fame so far I've always happily declined. But what if the Holy Spirit makes such an offer? Of course, I have the power and free will to decline. But what do I truly want? To follow the Spirit, I've already concluded that. So what should I decide?
This is the message and it's means as I understand them currently. Of course I might be wrong, I might be imagining and fantasizing, I might be becoming crazy and delusional... I guess I'll have to be patient and wait to see. As Phil said, one small step at a time.
04 September 2020, 09:18 PM
VelimirI just had another communication minutes ago so I'm sharing.
The Holy Spirit wants me to formally join the Catholic Church here in Croatia. The spreading of the message is to go through that as well.
One small step...

04 September 2020, 10:27 PM
Tom EVelimir,
Future Nobel laureate. That’s my kind of journey. I think you will settle into the fame nicely.
05 September 2020, 11:56 AM
PhilLots to discern, Velimir. Ongoing journey. Good to dream the big dreams, which is something the Spirit stirs in us as well.
I'm happy to hear of your decision to become a Catholic, and that you have a friend in Croatia who can help you move ahead with that. I don't know of any Catholic who is proud of the scandals that have happened in the Church, but we distinguish between the teaching and liturgy and the people who are in leadership. There are issues that need to be worked through at an institutional level, however. No denying it.
As for the Holy Spirit working through kundalini -- sure, why not? As long as we do not conflate the two, it's no problem, as I've stated many times in my writings. The Spirit does speak directly to our human spirit and its faculties of intellect and reason, but also through our psychological nature as well -- memory, for example, feelings, imagery. The Spirit moves through other people, scripture, Sacraments, nature, and culture. We know the Spirit by the gifts and fruits it awakens in us, so that is why we keep an eye on.
Kundalini process surrendered to the Holy Spirit is common in pentecostal movements, in my opinion. I have a whole chapter about that in my new book on k.
07 September 2020, 12:41 AM
VelimirJust had another direct communication with the Holy Spirit I'd like to share.
All these goals I mentioned, the big dreams... they're nice, but they're secondary.
The pleasure I'm feeling, both in my muscles/bones/internal organs as well as directly in my brain, is the manifestation of the Spirit, it's the way the Spirit communicates directly to me. As long as I listen and follow the Spirit fully, with dedication and full concentration/awareness, my life from now on is going to be 24 hours per day 365,25 days per year of full unabridged pleasure. If I fail to listen, the pleasure diminishes, so the pleasure is a direct indication whether I'm listening properly or not, the function of the pleasure is simply to provide feedback. I should be focused only on the pleasure and nothing else, it will guide me in all my decisions.
It's so simple it's almost unbelievable!!!

07 September 2020, 05:27 AM
VelimirAnd another experience to share.
From 4 am this morning (it's 12:06 in Croatia at the moment) there is very clear feeling that the 'I' has started to dissolve rather quickly.
The 'I' which existed before June 27th when all this experience started, so when writing 'I' now it's not the same thing. There is still the free will to decide, to make decision every single moment, even to stop following the Holy Spirit, although 'I' cannot imagine the reasons for stopping.
There still are all the obligations and issues in life - kids, wife, family, work,... everything is still in place and nothing has changed externally. But the internal change is quite overwhelming.
There is a distinct feeling that the'I' from before this morning would have asked all sorts of questions, but at the moment there is no feeling of necessity to ask any questions. At the same time, there is for example a project proposal for EU funding which needs to be written by 10th of September, and which has since 4 am this morning been improved by quite a lot. But there is no feeling of 'I' which has done the improvement and writing. There are no feelings of being frustrated, then consequently tired and needing a break.
For example, at some point during the morning Microsoft SharPoing (this is not an attempt to advertise MS products!

) crashed, and the work from previous almost two hours was lost. The reaction was to get up in a feeling of peace and goodwill, get some good food and a glass of wonderful wine, ask Mr. Bill Gates if he would please stop being childish and get the writing back. After sitting back at the laptop and restarting it, the writing was back. And after that there was a feeling of making a really good joke, with the need to chuckle for a moment. Then the writing continued. And there is the feeling of needing to make the point that the belief in magic influencing MS Sharepoint is not there, obviously the writing came back due to the restart. But the feeling is the joke was quite nice

08 September 2020, 10:14 AM
VelimirI'd like to share another experience, this one was very much unusual.
I was just reading this:'s a physics textbook for advanced graduate students (at least it says so in the introduction), I was studying the formula for the change of velocity of a particle with mass within the electromagnetic field, whereas the particle also has charge. It's a relatively simple formula:
The difference from this expression when compared with high school textbooks is that this is expressed in vectors (i.e. three dimensional entities with quantity and direction).
Anyhow, as I was looking at the formula it suddenly became alive, I was able to visualize it right in front of me, almost being able to touch it. I looked around me and there were other similar things, a little bit father, but I had the impression that I could go toward them. It was so wonderful, like everything opening at once. It lasted for a short time (I'd say about a minute of clock time), and after that I went back to normal.
Can anyone explain this, please? Is anything similar described in any kundalini books? Or is this experience something else and not kundalini?
I realize that it sounds crazy, I'm still very much under the impression of all this.
Thanks for any feedback and peace

08 September 2020, 03:07 PM
m*d v/dt=q( E+ vX B)
An old nemesis of mine! (Teasing!)
Abstract math is an example of human spiritual consciousness, though one that doesn't get much credit. But it's a knowing and recognizing relationships that actually exist several removes from their physical, tangible manifestation -- an insight into the very lawfulness of the universe. Even "ordinary" exercises of abstract math are such, and seeing even deeper as you describe might well be a psychic enhancement wrought by kundalini. Prodigies could be an example as well, though we understand very little about why some are naturally gifted as genius.
Your comments about the "I" are interesting. To my understanding and experience, we never really lose our "I" in the sense of that which is a kind of background witness or observer of our lives. In my book on "God and I" I go into this in considerable detail, distinguishing this non-reflecting experience of "I" from the more reflective and intentional Ego, which is also "I" in its engagement with duality. When we have learned skill sets -- even complicated ones -- we can operate efficiently in the non-reflecting "I" state, which is another term for Self. Self, in this sense, is not God, but it arises from God moment-by-moment. What I am describing (and what you seem to allude to) is what we might call non-Egoic consciousness, or what many call un-self-conscious. Not always possible to live this way, and not a bad thing to be Egoically engaged, just so we aren't willful and controling about it.
08 September 2020, 04:58 PM
Tom Equote:
Originally posted by Velimir:
I'd like to share another experience, this one was very much unusual.
I was just reading this:'s a physics textbook for advanced graduate students (at least it says so in the introduction), I was studying the formula for the change of velocity of a particle with mass within the electromagnetic field, whereas the particle also has charge. It's a relatively simple formula:
The difference from this expression when compared with high school textbooks is that this is expressed in vectors (i.e. three dimensional entities with quantity and direction).
Anyhow, as I was looking at the formula it suddenly became alive, I was able to visualize it right in front of me, almost being able to touch it. I looked around me and there were other similar things, a little bit father, but I had the impression that I could go toward them. It was so wonderful, like everything opening at once. It lasted for a short time (I'd say about a minute of clock time), and after that I went back to normal.
Can anyone explain this, please? Is anything similar described in any kundalini books? Or is this experience something else and not kundalini?
I realize that it sounds crazy, I'm still very much under the impression of all this.
Thanks for any feedback and peace
No if that is kundalini then everything is kundalini in the sense of using life force energy. Consciousness, intellect, and intuition are amazing things that use life force, but I’m pretty sure millions of people have had interesting manifestations of intellect, and intuition without what we would traditionally call a kundalini awakening even though they are fed with a type of spirit just like consciousness is. I think your pleasure state and ego dampening has the effect of getting you in alpha and theta brain states. Like when Mendelev got the periodic table in a dream, you are getting access to that kind of intellectual intuition while awake.
08 September 2020, 08:09 PM
PhilI wrote about this in "The Kundalini Process" book (link at top of page).
My sense is that K is not a different kind of energy, but is chi, prana, ruah (whatever you want to call it) channeled more intensely through certain nadis. Many writers on K would say the same. That coiled serpent at the base of the spine is a way of stating that the nadi that transmits this energy is not fully open, or is even dormant. In my book, I relate deepening spiritual growth and the more intense demands on the brain to the increasing flow of energy. This is especially true for contemplative spiritualities.
I also note that a low-level "kundalini dynamic" is at work in all people, gentle "pushing" from within a movement to spiritual growth.
08 September 2020, 08:54 PM
VelimirPhil, I'm reading your book Jesus alive in our lives - thank you very much!

Not fully related to kundalini, but still related to my experience...
Here's what you say in your book:
'Perhaps there will come a day when physicists will be able to identify dimensions of reality that at once embrace and transcend space-time as a sphere does a mere circle. I believe they eventually must, for I am convinced that Jesus lives in such a dimension, and that at least part of our minds are in touch with it.'
I don't know how familiar you are with the superstring theory, which is what many physicists have been working on the last 30-40 years. It's an attempt to come to the unification of two established branches of physics, namely general relativity and quantum physics, which so far nobody managed to do. The theory itself is still in development, many pieces of the puzzle are still missing, but one thing which the theory says is that if it is correct (and this will have to be verified experimentally, of course, but there are big problems with trying to do that because the consequences of this theory are such that so far nobody has managed to figure out a doable experiment which would verify the consequences) then the universe we live in has 11 dimensions. One is time, three are the macroscopic dimensions of space, the rest are sort of curled dimensions (could be time, could be space, the theory still does not say definitely which) which are so small that we cannot detect them with anything we have built so far on Earth. An additional thing is that lately physicists have come to the conclusion that superstring theory is probably just one part of an even bigger theory, so it's still not the definitive answer. Then there is the thing that superstring theory explains just one part of the matter-energy of the universe, and this part is about 5%. There is dark matter, which superstring theory might explain, but nobody is sure whether or how it's fitting in, which forms about 27% of the universe. And there is dark energy which very probably does not fit into the superstring theory ability to explain it, which forms about 68% of the universe.
To conclude, physics as the elementary science on which all other sciences are built at this point does not have one theory which explains 5% of the known universe. Let alone for the remaining 95%.
In that regard asking of science to explain the Resurrection is way too premature

To get back on the topic, perhaps this new ability I felt yesterday will help me to actively contribute to scientific development. I would be very happy if this comes to be, but I feel like it's the decision of the Holy Spirit whether this will be or not, without His support I alone cannot do anything about that, that is very much clear.
10 September 2020, 09:38 AM
PhilVelimir, I don't know if you're familiar with the Shroud of Turin, which many (self included) believe to be the burial cloth of Jesus. The great mystery is how the 3D image on the Shroud was imprinted -- on the outer fibrils of the threads. That's been studied, and one hypothesis is that the image is a consequence of a short, intense burst of radiation or light of some kind. That's a topic that some physicists have pursued, with mixed results, obviously, as no one is sure how to account for this from a dead person, nor what kind of energy that would be. There are some interesting youtubes on that topic if you're interested.