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26 September 2006, 03:40 PM
So, I just finished reading Phil's Kundalini and Christian Spirituality. Found it awesome, but left me with more questions than answers.

Phil, you noted that you don't really believe in the Chakras, that they are only representations of different levels of conciousness. I was wondering though if people actually experience the chakras physically during kundalini and other energy processes?

Also, you noted that you are not sure you believe in the concept of prana. I was wondering if people with experience of different energies might share some of their wisdom. I was wondering if there are different types of energies and what they are like?

Do you not feel kundalini is an actual energy Phil? Is it only a pysiological response to meditation? Is the "energy" just the affect of actual nerve pathways? Do you believe in Meridians and Nadis?

26 September 2006, 04:04 PM
Hi Jacques. I do think chakras and experiences of subtle energy can be tangible experiences; I'm just not sure what they are. Bio-engergy makes sense to me, and I think it obviously does re-configure during the process of spiritual growth. This would be felt in the brain, the nerve plexuses (closely associated with chakra locations) and even the endocrine glands.

Does that help?
26 September 2006, 06:35 PM

I believe there's some research using S.Q.U.I.D. which shows the meridian system to be somewhat distinct from the central nervous system. I'll try to find the data and post it.
26 September 2006, 06:42 PM
Here are some links to that research:

27 September 2006, 11:28 AM
Oh, I believe the meridians are there, all right, and that the bio-electricity is not confined to the hard-wiring of nerves. It's interesting to ponder just what configures this "subtle energy system." I think we catch a glimpse, here, of how the soul and the body inter-relate.
28 September 2006, 04:15 AM
So Phil, are you saying that the chakras are possibly "physical" spiritual realities. Because I think from your book I got the impression that you didn't or weren't sure, but were leaning toward them being only levels of conciousness.

And what about the different forms of energy i.e. chi, prana, kundalini, are these all different names for the same energy or are there different energies?
29 September 2006, 06:13 PM
knowledge, about energies, anyone?