Shalom Place Community
What is kundalini, spiritual emergency?
25 June 2004, 09:33 PM
PhilWhat is kundalini, spiritual emergency?
I agree, and that's relatively new territory . . . and now you're a pioneer!

26 June 2004, 05:01 AM
GraceOh.. I didn't know I'm a pioneer in this area and I know what it means. RESPONSIBILITY. I hope we will realize this idea together.
26 June 2004, 02:58 PM
<w.c.>No doubt, Grace. K brings so many psychological challenges to the spiritual path, and many which Christians don't have a tradition of teachings to fall back on, at least that are amenable to modern sensibilities.
05 July 2004, 11:32 AM
Grace"...In the context of the Holy Spirit, K is known to be the creaturely response, rather than the transcendental source, of grace."
I agree. What I'm learned from my experience is K is an integral part of HS and any attempt to arouse K without the consent of HS is doomed to fail. We have seen people who tried to arouse K by themselves have created unnecessary disorder in their brain system. K is energy and it is the tool of HS to purify the body. K has no other aim and it cannot function without its superior HS. It is worth to note here that Maria has acess to K for one and only reason, Purification.
23 July 2005, 11:03 AM
DianeAA question. Does anyone else feel like their shoulders are in their ears or vice versa? I look down and they look in the right place, but if I go with my feelings, the ears and shoulders are together. Diane
23 July 2005, 12:20 PM
FreebirdHi Diane, we all seem to have similar and unique expressions in our kundalini. I am not familiar with the shoulders and ears, but share with many the experience of the right ear. There was a wondrous period when I would hear sounds coming from other areas than the source. Sitting in my backyard I would hear the sounds of the waterfall from my pond coming from my woods instead. I also hear music like a celestial choir and notes on a musical scale with an awareness which note is mine. My right ear is extremely sensitive.
23 July 2005, 02:26 PM
I got a chuckle out of your post. I haven't had that particular feeling, but I remember a time when it felt like I didn't have a left side to my head. I would often touch it just to make sure it was still there. Lately, this happened with the right side of my head.
23 July 2005, 07:52 PM
never heard of this. Sounds like it would make an interesting poem, though:-)
24 July 2005, 02:53 PM
PhilI've not had that one either, Diane, although many times in prayer/meditation I feel like I'm disembodied. I also have right earitis, like Freebird alluded to.
Don't float away . . .

24 July 2005, 03:37 PM
FreebirdI want to share the aloneness in a kundalini when family and friends are not aware nor understand the process.
In my case only my doctor and 2 Buddhist friends know, and my Buddhist friends I see less and less since I decided not to join their community and become a Buddhist. Shalom Place is really a supportive environment for me, and I thank you all.
As a widow my eldest son comes twice a year to visit with his family. I have great difficulty being around him during these visits and need to cut them short. He knows that I am no longer the sacrificing, over extending loving mother I used to be and my independence scares him.
There are others in my life, but they have no clue as to what is going on with me. So I carry a kundalini secret. Phil, you are blessed with a loving understanding wife, and a support system. I have to rely solely upon God.
24 July 2005, 07:05 PM
GraceFreebird, I share the aloness you mentioned above. Two of my sisters understands me well. While other members of my family members thinks I'm indulged in mumbo mumbo. The narrow path Christ mentioned is really narrow. I have also difficulty being around people with denser energies. Please don't misunderstand me, I don't mean I'm pure. I'm just stating the reality I'm experiencing.
13 December 2005, 01:20 AM
bluebirdPaula: Are you still around? I live in Guelph, near Toronto. I am not much of a resource as I am not dealing well at present with Kundalini if that is what is going on, as people say. I have received lots of helpful advice here, being just new to the board. I would be happy to chat with you, but probably can't be very helpful yet. Nice to know a fellow Canadian is here to discuss kundalini and spirituality etc. Welcome. from Bluebird
17 May 2006, 01:39 PM
FreebirdHere is an article by Gopi Krishna entitled "Kundalini in time and space". I believe Phil recommended one of his books.
Again this is presented with an Eastern understanding, but Gopi Krishna had deep spiritual insights and an understanding of the kundalini. I could relate to the article. May 2006, 09:59 AM
vincenthello, is there anyone in this who actually can try to help me with a big probleme about the kundalini process? And do you known someone who start and finish the first kundalini rise perfectly like gopi or... fulcanelli?
Or everybody are in the dark, like myself? Facing the unknown and trying to avoiding it...
23 May 2006, 04:44 PM
FreebirdHi Vincent,
Welcome to Shalom Place. I recommend that you browse through all the kundalini information and material that we have available here, and the rest of your questions can be answered by Phil and the others who are going through stages of kundalini awakening, integration and transformation.
Feel free to ask us for our support and help and do share your story with us. You are not alone, so do reach out.