Shalom Place Community
Quotations from Transrational Consciousness
09 July 2006, 12:43 PM
spoonboyQuotations from Transrational Consciousness
I'm back in the stew, and cooking up a few examples of transformative experiences. Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme travel.

Here are two:
"Meditation is not a means to an end. It is both the means and the end." - Krishnamurti
"The more you know the less you understand." -Lao Tsu
09 July 2006, 01:32 PM
Phil"Once we have fallen in love, love takes over. Love becomes the centre of being, the source of our decisions, the goal of our longing. When we fall in love with God, the illusionary, superficial grounds of our being, created through our fearful responses to pain, gradually, piece by piece fall away. This makes space for God to be the only ground of our being, the only source and informing principle. The experience of falling draws us back to our origin in God, to our original union, to the centre of our being where God makes a home in us and we have a home in God. Now from the ground of being, one in the being of God, our desires and fears, our joys and sorrows, our discernment and value, our decisions and deeds have their source in God who is love. We become beings in love."
- I like that one, MM, and if that's what Hawkins means, then it makes sense to me. Since he ends up with a kind of nonduality that seems to be somewhat at odds with the relational, dualistic perspective above, however, I'm not sure how well this goes along with his teaching.
09 July 2006, 08:59 PM
spoonboyRight, we have it. Now how do we transmit it to the wopiks of the world in a language that they can understand, and why any longer is it necessary to conceal it from them? That's our task, methinks.
17 July 2006, 11:05 PM
spoonboy"Other sheep have I, which are not of this fold."
-John 10:16
"God had no favorites, but in every nation he who reveres Him and acts righteously is accepted by Him." - Acts 10 34,35
Therefore I speak to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand." - Matthew 13:13
"Who hath ears to hear, let him hear." -Matthew 13:43
"Who does not experience will not know. For just as experiencing a thing far exceeds the mere hearing of it, so the knowledge of him who experiences is beyond the knowledge of him who hears." - Saint Anselm
"Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church." -Matthew 16:18
"The words of the saints never disagree, if they are carefully examined; all like speak the truth, wisely changing their judgements on these subjects when necessary." -Saint Gregory of Sinai
"A man who does not desire to link himself to the latest of the saints(in time), in all love and humility, owing to a certain distrust, will never be linked with the preceding saints, and will not be admitted to their succession even though he thinks he possesses all possible faith and love for God and for all the saints." - Saint Simeon the
New Theologian
17 July 2006, 11:52 PM
spoonboy"Thou art that." - Hindu scriptures
"Before Abraham was, I am." - John 8:58
"Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them." - Matthew 18:20
"Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life." -John 6:54
"All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers." John 10:8
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy the law, but to fulfil." -Matthew 5:17
"The mustard seed, though tiny, grows eventually to become a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches." - Mathew 13:32
"No man ascendeth up to heaven, but He that came down from heaven." -John 3:13
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." - Mathew 5:8
"I move my hand, and Christ moves, who is my hand." - Meister Eckhart
"Is it not written in yout law, "I said Ye are Gods." - John 10:34
"I am the way the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father, but by me." - John 14:6
"The Father judgeth no man, but has committed all judgement to the Son. " -John 5:22
"Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is God." -Matthew 19:17
"The soul, when purified, abides entirely in God; its being is God." -Saint Catherine of Genoa
"The soul must wholly lose all human knowledge and all human feelings, in order to recieve in fullness divine knowledge and divine feelings."
-Saint John of the Cross
"I am that I am; thou art that which is not." -Saint Catherine of Sienna
"Outside God nothing has any existence at all."
-Saint Veronica Giuliani
"The soul is entirely transformed into the likeness of its Creator-- it seems more God than soul." -Saint Theresa of Avila
"In such a person God is the essence, the life, energy and vital force. The man himself is a mere instrument, a medium of God." -Blessed Henry Suso
"Not all of that joy shall enter into those who rejoice; but they who rejoice shall wholly enter into that joy." -Saint Anselm
"Whosoever shall save his live shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." -Matthew 16:25
"Endless living in finitude would be hell....
This has nothing to do with Christianity." -Paul Tillich
"By grace they are God with God." -Meister Eckhart
"I who am infinite, seek infinite works -- that is, an infinite perfection of love." -Saint Catherine of Sienna
18 July 2006, 12:15 PM
PhilThose are great, MM. I'll be using some of them in Daily Spiritual Seed.

18 July 2006, 06:24 PM
spoonboyGlad I could help, brother Phil. Goosebumpy indeed.
Here are some more:
"Just as a little drop of water mixed with a lot of wine seems entirely to lose its own identity, while it takes on the taste of wine and its color... so it will inevitably happen that in saints every human affection will then, in some ineffable manner, melt away from self and be entirely transfused with the will of God." -Bernard of Clairvaux
"A man who has attained the final degree of perfection, is dead and not dead, but infinitely more alive in God .... he is inactive and at rest,
as one who has come to the end of all action on his own. He is without thought, since he is one with Him who is above all thought." - Saint Simeon the New Theologian."
"The flesh was as though dead, yet in my intense awareness I knew that I never before had been fully alive." - Yogananda
"Once, while offering up a pure prayer to God to be drawn into intimate converse with Him, he had a vision: Behold, the atmosphere began to shine through his soul, and though he was inside his cell, it seemed to him that he was lifted up high beyond its confines. It was then the first watch of the night. As this light from above began to shine like an aurora, the building and everything else disappeared, and he no longer believed himself to be in the house at all. Quite outside himself, as he gazed with his whole soul at this light which had appeared to him, it increased bit by bit, making the atmosphere more brilliant, and he felt himself taken, with his whole body, away from the things of the earth." - Nicetus Stathos
(speaking of Saint Simeon)
"Divine darkness, is the unapproachable light in which God is professed to live." -Saint Dionysius
"Utterly inexpressible and indescribable is Divine beauty, blazing like lightning.... If we name the brightness of dawn. or the clearness of moonlight,
or the brilliance of sunshine, none of it is worthy to be compared with the True Light, and is farther removed there from than are the deepest night and the most terrible darkness from the clear light of midday." -Basil the Great
"For with thee is the fountain of life, in thy light we shall see light." -Psalm 36
"Between the only begotton Son and the soul there is no distinction." -Meister Eckhart
"In Him we live and move and have our being." -Saint Paul
"The disciple is not above his master, but everyone that is perfect shall be as his master."
-Luke 6:40
"Be ye perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." -Matthew 5:48
"If we are His children, we share His treasures, and all that Christ claims as his will belong to all of us as well." -Romans 8:17
"For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light and knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." -II corinthians 4:6
The source of most of the above: Not bad for a book I found in a garage sale. Nice synthesis of Eastern and Western beliefs, but keep your daughter away from the ashram.
I much prefer Bede Griffiths. I know when I get to amazon and only one person has reviewed the book, which happens more and more lately, that "The Path" is indeed narrow, and few there are that find it... July 2006, 06:24 PM
spoonboyTomorrow some Zen. One hand clapping will suffice...

20 July 2006, 04:37 PM
Phil "Between the only begotton Son and the soul there is no distinction." -Meister EckhartThis is the sort of thing that Eckhart got in trouble for. If it were true, then Christ would have to be held accountable for every evil committed by humans, and that's absurd. The individual soul does continue to exist, even after adoption in Christ.
22 August 2006, 03:49 AM
spoonboyIf Jesus created everything, then it follows that
Lucifer was also His creation. It does not follow
that He is the author of evil, but allows it to exist and operate for reasons yet unclear...
"Lao Tzu is reported to have said, 'The mind is such a barrier to understanding. Even the mind of Confucious is a barrier. He could not understand me at all, and whatsoever he will say about me will be a misunderstanding. He thinks he is going to create order in the world. You CANNOT create order in the world. Order is inherent in it; it is always there. When you try to create order you create disorder.
He will think that I am creating disorder, and really, he is the one creating disorder. I am against all imposed orders because I believe in a spontaneous discipline which comes and grows automatically. You need not impose it.'
22 August 2006, 12:51 PM
Phil If Jesus created everything . . .Hawkins has the Word in mind, here. Jesus is the incarnation of the Word, not the Word who (with the Father) created everything.
22 August 2006, 07:26 PM
johnboyAuthentic spirituality is trans- 1) transrational 2) transempirical 3) transaffective 4) transprudential - both moral and pragmatic 5) transphysical and such because authentic humanity is that way. It thus goes beyond but not without body, soul, spirit, reason, emotion, morality, practicality. Authentic asceticism does not quench desires and does not rid us of attachments but, rather, purifies our desires and orders our attachments, elevating our senses, sensibilities, feelings, reasoning, knowledge --- our whole being. We do not even abandon our false self but are called to journey, formatively, beyond it, transformatively --- beyond the false self but not at all without it.
Not bad, indeed, for a garage sale. Great quotes! Thanks, mm.
23 August 2006, 12:06 PM
MM, Thanks so much for the link and your selections from it.