Shalom Place Community
Keeping Christ in Christmas

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19 December 2003, 02:52 PM
Keeping Christ in Christmas
As we enter the last week before Christmas, I'm starting this thread to invite anyone who feels so inclined to share how you keep Christ in Christmas. I know it's not always easy to do this, so perhaps we could help one another find ways to maintain a more spiritual focus.

I'll begin by sharing that we sing a short verse of an advent song before meals. "Come, O Lord, and set us free, bring your people peace." (Damiens Music). We do have a tree, lights, and a few gifts accumulating, stockings hung up, and things like that. That's a reminder of Christmas coming, love to be shared with gifts, and festive days. We're not playing Christmas music yet; that will come later.

I suppose a lot of it comes down to attitude. Things like writing cards, shopping for gifts, wrapping and mailing gifts, etc. can be done in the right spirit, but it's so easy to just do it because it's expected, isn't it? Keeping the right attitude for me is a matter of prayer, and a deliberate consecration of my intention to what I believe the true spirit behind the act. That's one way to do many of the conventional things but in a different spirit.

What works for you?
19 December 2003, 04:05 PM
L. I. Dawson
Keeping Christ in Christmas - At our home we keep the theme of Advent - O Come, O Come Emmanuel by preparing our hearts, home, our food, our Christmas cards to dear friends. As our family gathers for Christmas Dinner we always seem to have someone that has no family. Our children continue that spirit of inviting those who had no family in the area. We seemed to be always blessed by these people presence. We, as grandparents only give one gift to our grand children, the rest of us draw names and only get one gift. The scripture of the three kings bringing gifts, is read by the youngest one that can read. (So it is always read slowly)before the gifts are exchanged. Keeping Christ in Christmas is one of our favorite times we we gather as a family to "LOVE one another and I have love you"
19 December 2003, 06:06 PM

We do our best to stay Christ focused not just at the holidays, but year round. However, these days present a special challenge because life is busy enough without the added busyness of the month of December ! One of the things we do is subscribe to Advent reflections that keep us daily tuned into scripture. Praying with the Erie Benedictines online have also been a grounding experience. Remembering to: eat right, get a healthy amount of sleep, and make time for what's most important daily helps to keep this busy time balanced.

May Christmas be fulfilling for you,

Peace and Glad tidings of Hope to all,