26 July 2010, 09:51 AM
PhilPublication announcement
The conferences from this Internet retreat have been included as Part 3 of my revision of
Jesus Alive in Our Lives, which is now available in eBook or paperback from Lulu Press.
- see
http://shalomplace.com/view/risenview.html to find out more about this work, including ordering information.
01 August 2010, 12:16 PM
Would you prefer us to order your books from Lulu or is there a way to do so from your website? Whatever makes you the most money...

06 September 2010, 01:41 PM
PhilOops, hadn't seen this one, sorry.
Ordering from Lulu is fine, Shasha. The link on my website is now to Lulu, and I'm gradually getting out of the book-order business.
Thanks for asking.