Shalom Place Community
Birth control and the Catholic conscience

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02 March 2023, 05:25 PM
Birth control and the Catholic conscience

Available as a paperback, Kindle eBook, ePub eBook, and PDF (free for a short time).

Here's the descriptor:

The Catholic Church teaches that all forms of artificial birth control are intrinsically evil — wrong in all circumstances! Only practices that make use of natural methods of avoiding pregnancy are considered acceptable for Catholic couples. The Church also has extensive teaching on the importance of conscience, its formation, and the obligation to act according to conscience.

This work explores possible interactions between conscience and the teachings on birth control by first examining what we mean by conscience, and how it is properly formed. We then reflect on how moral decision-making is more than simply pronouncing acts good or evil in themselves — that intention and circumstance must be considered as well. Through the process of prayer, study, reflection, and dialogue, couples can come to clarity in conscience concerning what is best for their marriage and family.

Published by Contemplative Ministries, Inc., 2023
8,224 words



1. What is Conscience?
2. Conscience and the Superego
3. Steps to Forming Conscience
4. The Issue of “Intrinsically Evil Acts”
5. The Three Fonts of Morality and Conscience Formation
6. A Few Common Questions
Acknowledgement and Bio
06 March 2023, 07:18 PM
Cardinal McElroy speaks out on this topic in America magazine. Where have voices like his been during the past 55 years since Humane Vitae was published?
