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Meditation for Physical Health and Life Longevity

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28 September 2017, 04:25 PM
Meditation for Physical Health and Life Longevity
During meditative prayer open your eyes and raise your eyebrows a little bit, then feel and visualize the end of your nose as a small golden energy ball. Sort of like Rudolf the red nosed rain deer, only as golden energy ball. Practice this until you can do it all of the time.

This meditative exercise turns "ON" your whole body's nervous system in a balanced way. It stimulates all of the life energy centers in the brain, all of the energy centers in the body in a balanced way, and it really stimulates your immune system. I have no idea why Smiler , all I know is that it works. If you have trouble with this meditative exercise, then go to my Master Lord Jesus and ask Him for some help with it. Practice this meditative exercise for a while and you will begin to feel good all of the time and you will be healthier than you have ever been.

Most physical problems, not all but most, which includes being sick, are caused by one or more of the body's energy centers not being on or just weakly on for whatever reason. This meditative exercise and others that we will talk about turns every thing back "ON" and if done over time solves the problem. Smiler .

Love, Tucker

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Tucker, 03 October 2017 02:29 PM
29 September 2017, 12:06 PM
Thanks, Tucker. I'll give it a try. Glossalalia (praying in tongues) seems to do the same for me.

Do you think this exercise is safe for people just getting started in the life of prayer or meditation?
30 September 2017, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by Phil:
Thanks, Tucker. I'll give it a try. Glossalalia (praying in tongues) seems to do the same for me.

Do you think this exercise is safe for people just getting started in the life of prayer or meditation?

Thank you Phil for your post and your question, it is very much appreciated! "Safe for people just getting started in the life of prayer or meditation?" I think that what you are asking Phil, is will the meditative exercise that I am presenting distract people from the primary purpose of "contemplative prayer"? Which is to achieve a closer one on one relationship with the Father and the Son or the Loving Divine in general through prayer and the Holy Spirit. If that is the reason that you are asking your question, then I don't know Smiler it might because you might be doing it for reasons of self. Maybe?

If I were to make a suggestion to people that are beginners to exploring "contemplative Prayer" as a path to seeking a closer one on one relationship to the "Loving Divine", the meditative exercise that I would suggest would be to feel the area of their neck and the upper part of their chest (along with gazing their mind's eye upward at a forty-five degree angle). That meditative exercise would then stimulate the nervous system and emotional system to feel "Nourishing Love". Which would be the best emotional mind state to be in when seeking an approach to the "Loving Divine". And it would also be the best all around emotional mind state to be in no matter what you are doing in life. And the end of the nose meditation when done during Contemplative Prayer (at least that way that you do Contemplative Prayer anyway) automatically kicks in the Nourishing Love emotional mind state along with other things.

I say Contemplative Prayer the way you do it because the way that you do it stimulates or turns on the energy field that touches and surrounds the outside of the body or one's body. And when you add the golden energy ball as the end of the nose, that energy field that surrounds the body becomes a bright golden energy field which then wakes up one's whole nervous system in a balanced way.

Love, Tucker
30 September 2017, 01:13 PM
What Nobody Teaches In the Field of Meditation:

"What you put thought into wakes up and is activated." and "What you do not put thought into shuts down and falls apart or goes away." From there it becomes, "What do you want to wake up and activate?" And, "What are the ways that you can do that?"

And Two:
The nose it the "aerial" that the body/brain uses to communicate with itself. The body/brain has two systems of communication, the chemical system and the electromagnetic frequencies (emf) system. Science is just now becoming able to measure the emf system and one day will be able to use micro transmitters to generate the emf signals that are needed to turn on areas in the body that for whatever reason are not on. Right now they are using the chemical system. Until then though, understanding that the "nose" is the "aerial and amplifier" of this emf communication system can help us to turn things on through meditation that for some reason are not "on", and which over time causes use to become sick. It does not solve everything, but it does solve the multitude of problems that are caused when this emf signal system is not functioning properly, for whatever reason. Health issues and possible solves?

Love, Tucker

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Tucker, 03 October 2017 10:31 AM
01 October 2017, 02:07 PM
Thanks, Tucker. I agree that the science of energy and attention is only in its infancy and can only imagine what future generations will know about all this.

I have a similar approach to yours:

1. Energy follows attention . . . eventually.
2. Thought focuses attention.

So it does come down to the formative power of thought. That's why I wonder how much good an energy balancing exercise can do if one has not done's one's work at the level of thought. Still, it's good to have in one's repertoire for when life itself becomes imbalanced. It seems to stimulate the pineal; is that your sense of it, too?
02 October 2017, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by Phil:
Thanks, Tucker. I agree that the science of energy and attention is only in its infancy and can only imagine what future generations will know about all this.

I have a similar approach to yours:

1. Energy follows attention . . . eventually.
2. Thought focuses attention.

So it does come down to the formative power of thought. That's why I wonder how much good an energy balancing exercise can do if one has not done's one's work at the level of thought. Still, it's good to have in one's repertoire for when life itself becomes imbalanced. It seems to stimulate the pineal; is that your sense of it, too?

I think that we are talking about the same thing Phil, just different words. The problem is that there is not any language for what we are exploring Smiler . And I agree with, "how much good an energy balancing exercise can do?" For me it is really easy because I spent most of my life in meditation, but for others not so much. "It seems to stimulate the Pineal?" I know Smiler ! You really need to feel the part of the energy field that lies in front of the "forehead" with the first meditation to get it to stimulate the Pituitary system part of the the brain and nervous system also. And that starts to get complicated. And if things are going to be complicated, then what one really needs to do it is light up the part of the energy field that surrounds the outside of the "whole" nose Smiler .

Love, Tucker

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Tucker, 03 October 2017 10:31 AM
03 October 2017, 11:09 AM
Phil, I watched a Jewish movie last night, "A Serious Man", and all of the actors were Jewish. And what I noticed was that they all had strong nose energy (I have also noticed this over the years). It is in their genetics. And generally speaking they seem to live a long time. And if you look at older people that are healthy, they all have strong nose energy. And it seems to me that when people start to lose nose energy (and animals for that matter) they start to go downhill physically. The question becomes is there a way to maintain a strong nose energy on purpose to stack the deck toward healthier? The yogis and the folks that teach meditation all start with breathing through the nose which can be a way to strengthen nose energy. "If", one consciously feels the air flowing up through the nostrils, the nose proper, and then the sinuses and then back out through these areas again. If one does the breathing exercise along with feeling the nostrils, nose, and sinuses being energized, the breathing exercise will wake up all of the bodies energy centers in a balanced way.

The problem with most folks that teach breathing exercises is that they do not know about the relationship between strong nose and sinus energy and physical health.

Love, Tucker
04 October 2017, 11:07 AM
I must confess, Tucker, that you are the first person I've ever heard use the term "nose energy." Smiler What you say makes sense, however, and it's all easy enough to incorporate into breathing meditation practice. Thanks for sharing.
10 April 2018, 05:41 AM
i have also heard, or my... guru has kept telling me, how important breathing through nose is for the body system.

also i have noticed some people have as if genetically "stronger noses" and they more easily, naturally, breath through nose. i have also wondered if a sedentary lifestyle has an effect.

to make the nose breathing easier i do nasal irrigation at least every two weeks with warm saline water. also i have been told to put oil (e.g. olive oil) into the nostrils after cleansing. important here is to cleanse also the pathways between nose and mouth. nasal irrigation here is beneficial as it takes away anything that blocks the nostrils.

yet i guess a good idea would be to write "breathing" to a piece of paper and place it in the room to remember to keep doing it, and not only during meditation...
26 April 2018, 08:49 PM
Mary Sue
Originally posted by Phil:
Thanks, Tucker. I agree that the science of energy and attention is only in its infancy and can only imagine what future generations will know about all this.

I have a similar approach to yours:

1. Energy follows attention . . . eventually.
2. Thought focuses attention.

So it does come down to the formative power of thought. That's why I wonder how much good an energy balancing exercise can do if one has not done's one's work at the level of thought. Still, it's good to have in one's repertoire for when life itself becomes imbalanced. It seems to stimulate the pineal; is that your sense of it, too?

Interesting questions Phil

It seems to me that energy balancing exercises can help assist with the letting go process while one is working on the level
of thought. Such as learning and experiencing how wrongful thought can injure the health of the body.